Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Sick :(

I knew it was coming. I had an earache over the weekend and I haven't had one of those in a while. I've been a lot more tired than usual, too. And sure enough, I woke up (if you can call it that since I didn't sleep too well to begin with) in the middle of the night with post-nasal drip, a sore throat, and congestion. I didn't get much sleep the rest of the night. This morning I had the usual internal debate when I'm not feeling well: to go to work or not? I'm not feeling horrible quite yet...I've certainly felt worse before. But I've always felt that some preventive measures can keep things from getting worse. At first I was going to stay home and rest all day (which sometimes works...but if the tenant upstairs is home all day, it's usually a waste of a sick day since they tend to be noisy). Then I decided to go to work. I have a pension negotiations meeting today so it wasn't like I would have to spend all day working with the public. Then if I still felt ill tomorrow, I could stay home then knowing I wasn't planning on being there the whole day anyway because of my ultrasound appointment. I took my shower and contemplated it further. Finally, I decided to stay home. I called in sick and found that my boss is also sick again. Same symptoms. Of course, she felt like this several weeks ago, kept going to work anyway, and ended up having some kind of upper respiratory infection-something I tend to be quite prone to since I have asthma. I hope that isn't what I have now. I hope it isn't even a sinus infection. I used to get those several times a year, usually with it turning into bronchitis. But ever since I started getting the flu shot, I've been able to skip that horrible fate each winter, for some odd reason. I had been so healthy so far in spite of all my coworkers coming into work sick that I thought maybe, maybe, maybe I just might make it through the winter illness-free. It looks like my luck has run out.

So here I sit on the couch with my bottle of water and box of tissues handy. I took some Tylenol Cold after another internal debate (did the doctor say I could take this or not?) because in the end, I was advised by my OB to take something for my symptoms if I am sick-that I will not be helping Peep any by suffering. No matter what happens, I AM GOING TO MY ULTRASOUND APPOINTMENT TOMORROW. The only thing that would force me to cancel is death itself. In the meantime, I wonder what I can find online to buy for Peep. ;)

1 comment:

~Tanya~ said...

So sorry to hear you are under the weather. Good idea to stay home today, especially with the big u/s tomorrow. Rest well so you can get to that appt.!

Don't forget to get back & update us on peep or should I be saying peeps - plural!!!!

Thinking of you!