Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I'm A Winner!

Seriously, I am! I went to the Baby Fest at Babies 'R Us on Saturday. It was a tad disappointing - more handing out brochures than real demonstrations - but it was a nice opportunity to get my mom into the store for the first time. While we were there, we entered a raffle. I didn't pay much attention to what it was for, just figured I'd give it a shot to win whatever they were giving away. Well yesterday when I came home at lunch, there was a message on the machine that I had won the raffle. Can't say that's ever happened before. So I headed over there today after work to find out what I won, and this is what it was:

Not bad! :)

1 comment:

Kether said...

It looks so fun!
I thought of something else to add to your list. We were unprepared for just how much Liam would spit up. Burp cloths are great, but kind of expensive so we got two packages of cloth diapers and we're using those. We use a LOT of them in one day.
And get some kind of bouncer. I don't remember if one was on your list. I ran out and got one (it was on the list but unpurchased when Liam came) because its really useful when you're on the computer or something when you want the baby close by but your arms are tired.
Oh, I thought of a couple of other things to warn you about. (things are starting to come to me and I think, "I should warn Carrie about that."
1. My milk came in on day 3. It came all of a sudden (like within a few hours) and HURT. apparantly that is normal. I don't know if you knew it comes like that. I didn't.
2. I had three days or so of baby blues. Totally normal, too. It went away totally, but scared me when I was feeling them. Nothing bad, just "Why did I do this? My life will never be the same. I can't do anything." blah blah blah.
Ok. enough for today. =)