Monday, February 07, 2005

Little Bits of Happiness

Lately I've been down a bit about the way I look. I used to weigh more than I do now by about 20 lbs. But it wasn't very long ago, and I honestly don't think I look any different pregnant at the weight I am now than I did just plain fat at this weight. Yeah, my belly is bigger...but it was when I weighed more, too. For some reason I imagined that by the time I got to halfway through the pregnancy, I would have a cute round preggo belly. Instead, I have my usual flabby belly, just bigger. I wear my cute maternity tops mainly so that people know I'm pregnant and not packing on the pounds again. Honestly, I could get away without them for the most part. But quite a few of my shirts aren't long enough to cover the panels on maternity pants anyway. I'm swimming in most of these shirts right now (have to make sure they'll fit near the end, after all) so even that doesn't lift my spirits much.

Today, however, was different. The high was predicted to be in the 50s, so I decided to pull out one of the few short sleeved shirts I have. I bought them last summer when I was pregnant with Arabella and haven't worn them once. I remember trying them on during that pregnancy and they were absolutely huge on me. I went with the pink one today as it was a nice cheery color and was surprised to find that it fit rather well. Of course, it's a wrap shirt so it's a lot more adjustable than the other ones I own...but I have to say that in it, I actually look pregnant. AND I had my first total stranger realize that I was pregnant today. It was so cute. I was helping this elderly couple at work and when I went back to my desk to check on something for them, from behind the partition I heard the lady whisper, "She's pregnant, you know!" She winked and blew me a kiss when she left. Okay, so it was a bit weird, but what do you expect - she's in her 80s! On the other hand, I also saw some former coworkers today who I haven't seen since October. They told me I look great, which usually means, "Gee, you don't look pregnant at all!" I'll take the good with the bad though...

So here I am at 20 weeks 4 days:

I realized today that there are only 45 days left until the 3rd trimester. Well, now that it's near the end of the day, I guess it's closer to 44... but still, that's only a month and a half away! Hard to believe that the time is going by so quickly. Before I know it, I'll be holding that little baby in my arms!


Lauren said...

You look so cute! Great outfit! And you definitely do look pregnant there.

Unfortunately, I went through the same thing. I thought for sure that by the halfway point I would have a nice round belly. But it took a little longer to become more obvious. And most people just don't want to say anything for fear of guessing wrong! It probably wasn't until about 25 weeks or so where people just assumed I was pregnant.

Don't worry, you look great and pretty soon you'll have a VERY obvious bump :)

Jackie said...

Wow - time IS going quickly! I love that outfit - what a gorgeous top and you have the best smile! You definitely look pregnant and radiant. :)


Kether said...

We're in the same boat, isn't that funny? I couldn't wait until I got that big round belly and it was toward the end when it came and now BOY do I miss it! now I've got flabby ugly belly again. *sigh*
You look adorable. I can't wait until you get a big belly either!

Rosanne said...


You look so so cute in that outfit, and you definately look pregnant. Love the sweater, too!
