Wednesday, February 02, 2005

We're having....

...a baby! And a lazy one at that! Peep didn't move much at all during the ultrasound, in spite of the 16 oz of orange juice I chugged 15 minutes before my appointment. There he or she was, perfect as could be, but absolutely and totally asleep. So the tech tried shaking my belly around to get Peep to wake up. Peep was obviously jolted by this surprise, yet s/he went back to sleep-but not before waving to us. :) So I go back in a month for another ultrasound because the tech couldn't even get all of the measurements she needed. What she got looks good, though. Peep's heart was beating at 154 bpm and (from what I could see on the records-nobody told me) it looks like s/he weighs around 11 ounces right now. Speaking of weight, I only gained 1 lb since my last appointment, which brings me in at a grand total of 9 lbs gained so far. I got a warning that I should start watching what I eat and avoiding empty calories and too many carbs since my PCOS puts me at a higher risk for gestational diabetes. They won't be testing me until 28 weeks for it, but Dr. K said now would be a good time to start being more careful. Should I happen to develop GD, they will do monthly ultrasounds from that point forward to make sure Peep doesn't get too big. Otherwise, the next ultrasound will be the last one.

I also have to wait another month now for my CD of ultrasound images since I'm going back on March 2nd for another one. I guess I'll really get my $20 worth, but I really wanted to be able to show the images we had. I'll have to see if I can get them scanned at my MIL's house this weekend...

I'm thinking maybe this is a sign that we shouldn't be finding out whether Peep is a she or a he. I had been thinking a lot about letting our baby make the decision for us, although I never worded it that way to Brian because I figured he'd think I was looney tunes. Regardless, Peep certainly made the decision for us this time.. So maybe I won't pursue the answer to the gender question next time.


Rosanne said...

Carrie, I so so happy for you and Brian! My vote now is definately a girl. Peep's got all the little girl attitude. Love the story about how the little one wasn't cooperating. Modest little one you've got there. At least you get at least one more peek at Peep before s/he makes his/her grand appearance.


Jackie said...

I also think girl. And congratulations on gaining such little weight so far - it sounds like you're really doing perfectly. Looking forward to seeing the u/s images.


Kether said...

I'm saying girl, too.

You get another scan! yay! Though I am dying to see those pics. Oh, well. You'll teach me patience yet.

Sasha@Pw said...

They sleep when you want them active and then when you're trying to sleep...they're active! Oh man..not a fun cycle!