Tuesday, February 15, 2005


I woke up in the middle of the night from this dream:

At a house that was not mine (but symbolically was), my water broke. I only had one contraction and then nothing else, so I continued with what I was doing at the time while Brian and my sister ran around getting stuff together. I ate lunch because I knew I wouldn't be allowed to eat. As they wandered around, I then ended up in an auto mechanic's shop looking for Brian. But the only person there was a mechanic who was a guy I knew from school. He sent me on my way. Next thing I knew, I was at the symbolic hospital, hooked up to machines in a bed, but I was upset because I didn't bring anything to the hospital with me. My husband and sister were wandering the hospital... The doctor came in (not my doctor) and said we weren't getting anywhere. I told him to do what needed to be done to get things going and he put a mask on my face for laughing gas. The next thing I know, some time had passed since I had my baby, and I'm now hopping from large cluster of mushrooms to cluster, leaving my symbolic house in the forest because it's been sold but not afraid of what's next. A white wolf meets me at the road, and as some voice-over (because many of my dreams are like movies) speaks of what tomorrow will bring, the white wolf and I walk down the road into a sun (not sure if it was setting or rising, but it seemed more like it was setting).

So far I've figured out the white wolf means guidance, and if I woke up not afraid from the dream, then it was a positive omen and I should follow the guidance given. ??? Pretty bizarre.


Kether said...

Sounds like a good dream! A dream saying you're ready, no matter what is going on around you. =)

Jackie said...

Definitely a good dream! They say we meet our guides in our dreams disguised as all kinds of things - so I'd say the white wolf sounds good!
