Wednesday, February 09, 2005

A Doll For Becky

Considering our dog Becky's reaction to the pack 'n play last week, as well as her concern that the baby's toys are hers, we decided to start a little early in acclimating her to all things baby. One of the things I had read about was to get a doll and practice having the dog on her best behavior when the doll is in your arms. Another suggestion was to get a tape of baby noises so the dog can get used to it. I figured I'd save a step and I bought a doll that makes baby noises. Sure, it's not the greatest quality, but I figured having a doll that made noises would help her expect that a real baby would make noises randomly as well. Or maybe I'm just giving her too much credit. :) We practiced last night. At first, Becky did well and sat at my feet while I cradled this ridiculous "Baby So Fun". So I told her she was a good girl and petted her. But when I sat on the couch, she jumped right up to see what was going on. She got off right away when I told her to, but this is obviously going to take some work. She also got quite excited when the "baby" made noises, so I'm glad we're starting early. I think she has it in her to be a good dog around our baby, we just need to practice. Sure, I feel pretty ridiculous buying my dog a doll and practicing with her, but we do what we have to do.


Unknown said...

Actually, that's a really good idea! I hadn't thought of that but I think I will do that with my dog as well. What a great idea. Our dog is so spoiled and very territorial so what a great way to practice. I have a stuffed animal that I've had since early childhood that my dog knows is not hers to play with so I think she'll get the concept with a baby. We hope! ;o)

Kether said...

I think its a great idea, too, Carrie. Also, what we did before we brought Liam home was send home a blanket from the hospital that smelled like him. the other thing was to have someone other than us bring him in the house when we came home from the hospital so that we could greet the dogs and spend a few minutes with them. they were especially excited to see me since I'd been gone a couple of days.
What is amazing is that they seem to know that he's our puppy and they are very gentle and careful around him. They've been great. Lucy was a bit over protective in the beginning, but now she's relaxed a bit...though she does seem to feel that his safety is her responsibility.

Oh, and about your comment about wetting as soon as I changed him. I had a three diaper diaper change the other day, too. As soon as I got a new one on, before I even had him snapped up again out would come explosive poo. We're learning to wait a bit and make sure he's done before trying to change him.
The things we're learning...