Saturday, February 19, 2005

I Am Officially Pregnant

I've crossed that line into the cravings zone. I was pretty smug before about how I didn't really have any cravings, just aversions, and how I was in complete control of everything. Then I saw the OB at 20 weeks, who told me to watch my empty calories, and it was like Peep decided it was time to start making demands. Yesterday I actually craved Ben & Jerry's Dublin Mudslide ice cream at 9:30AM....and tried to talk my boss, the office next door's boss, and even my brother into getting me some! I had some at home, but it would be another 3 hours until I would be able to go there and I wanted it NOW. Even 2 hours later, I could think of nothing else but Dublin Mudslide. Ironically, by the time I got out of work at 12:30PM, the crisis had passed. Double ironically, I've actually been really good about my portion sizes of the junk food. I eat only 1/4 pint at a time, which is a serving size, and no more than that in any given day. I mostly stick to the serving size of all of the junk food I've been eating. It's just the fact that I've been eating multiple types of junk food every day, without much interest in veggies or fruits, that's making me feel guilty. But heck, once I have this baby, I won't be able to eat like this anymore. So I guess I should just suck it up. At least I don't eat more than a serving's worth. ;)

Which reminds me. In the beginning, I had no interest in sweets and especially chocolate. I wanted crackers and baked chips mostly, and still ate my veggies. This was supposed to indicate a boy according to the Old Wives' Tales. But that's turned around entirely. Chocolate is a staple now and I'm even having dairy (in addition to cheese, which I have always craved, pregnant or not). I find myself drinking a huge glass of skim milk with my chocolate Pop-Tarts (which are at least fortified with vitamins!) and enjoying it immensely. I hate drinking milk, but here I am, enjoying it. Dairy and sweets cravings are supposed to indicate a girl. So which is it??? These Old Wives' Tales are so confusing and contradictory. Guess I'll just have to wait out the next 17 weeks 5 days to find out for sure. :)


Kether said...

I drank sooooooooo much milk. We were going through two gallons a week.
In the beginning I craved salad with thousand island dressing. Later it was grilled cheese sandwhiches, tomato soup and brownies. So funny what your body wants when you're pregnant.
I still think you've got a girl in there.

~Tanya~ said...

I think peep really wants to keep his/her gender a secret from you. Not cooperating at the u/s & sending mixed craving signals.

BTW Love your new tickers here!