Saturday, April 28, 2007

Where Is The Time Going?

How can it already be over a week since my last post?

I accomplished a lot over the last week. Had my phone consult with the on-call pediatrician, took my GBS test, got the Recharge (natural version of Gatorade) for labor and recovery, got a storage system for Sprout's clothes and filled it up, set up the changing area in our bedroom, did some stocking up at Trader Joe's, ordered the Snug Tuck Pillow for co-sleeping, met the last of the midwives in the group I switched to, and I even made it to a playgroup this week for Maggie! Plus we firmed up plans a bit for where Maggie will be when I go into labor, just need to figure out notification (since my MIL does not have a cell phone and may be living 1 hour away at the time).

Still on the to-do list:
  • get post-partum pads
  • get newborn diapers
  • make & freeze (or buy pre-made) meals to cover at least the first week
  • finish packing my labor bag (it's half-packed)
  • tidy up the house a bit more
  • make up the call list of who needs to be notified after Sprout's birth
There also may be a change in plans. Depending on the results of my GBS test, I may be staying for 24 hours for observation instead of 12 or less. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there. I should have the results at my appointment Monday.

3 weeks 6 days to go... It really could be any day now. Heck, my belly dance teacher was freaking out during our whole class about how she didn't want the baby being born that night - she wouldn't let me do anything! I felt fine following along, but she always made sure I had less reps to do than everyone else, even though I assured her that Sprout definitely would not make an appearance that night.

Which means it's probably time for another belly shot soon. I feel as big as a house. I will be doing a belly cast in the next week or two as a memento, mainly because we're not sure if we'll be having any more children after this.

Better go... Maggie's calling!

Friday, April 20, 2007


I didn't notice this last time around, but it's pretty cool (in a dorky kind of way). 35 weeks today, with 35 days to go. :)

Pelvic pain is increasing. Sitting makes it worse, as does stacking my knees when I lay on my side (even with a pillow between them). Fatigue is increasing. It's hard to believe I have 5 weeks left, both as too long as well as not enough time. I've been trying to prepare, but it's not easy when you don't have a lot of space.

The gender neutral clothes are washed and folded. The mini co-sleeper is set up (more as a changing table and nap area than anything else, as we'll be co-sleeping this time). I have 1 box of size 1 Swaddlers. I have LOTS of baby carriers. :) I ordered some of my early discharge supplies (I'm supposed to have certain things on hand since I'll be leaving the birth center within 12 hours instead of the standard 2 day hospital stay). We completed our in-home doula-led childbirth refresher class. I've made the consultation appointment with our pediatrician (May 1st) during which he has to fill out paperwork for the birth center. I called the on-call pediatrician for the birth center, but he still hasn't gotten back to me for my phone consult. I have homecoming outfits for both a girl and a boy (with an outfit for Maggie that matches the girl one). I'm taking the GBS test Monday. :(

I still have to:
  • get post-partum pads
  • get newborn diapers
  • do a big stock up grocery shopping trip for snacks and paper goods
  • get some Recharge for during labor (natural version of Gatorade)
  • make & freeze (or buy pre-made) meals to cover at least the first week
  • finish packing my labor bag (it's half-packed)
  • find some sort of storage system for the baby's clothes (no room for furniture on the floor so it has to be something I can stack on my low dresser)
  • tidy up the house a bit more
  • plan for Maggie's care during labor and delivery (I think she's going with my MIL, but I'm not sure yet how long she'll stay with her)
  • make up the call list of who needs to be notified after Sprout's birth
I'm sure I'm forgetting something...

Friday, April 13, 2007

Achy and Sore...

How is it I managed to forget how achy and sore one is during the final stage of pregnancy? I have been having strong Braxton Hicks contractions (something I did not experience with Maggie), belly soreness, pelvic bone pain (from them shifting into unusual configurations), and I can't even roll over in bed - already. 6 weeks to go and you would think with the way I'm feeling that I'm already at my due date.

I've started bellydancing classes in hopes that they will be useful during labor. I had read about how some of the pelvic movements were helpful in getting the baby moving in the right direction, as well as with dealing with the pain during contractions. I had also been meaning to take bellydancing classes for a while now, but it's easy to put off my wants over others' needs. But when a local friend said she signed up for the latest session, I decided to join her. It's been fun! I can't do everything (where are my belly muscles these days anyway???) but I do feel better after the classes. The last class is May 23rd and they have predicted that I won't be there because the bellydancing will bring this babe on early. We'll see!

Otherwise, it's been much of the same old, same old. The dark cloud that had enveloped me during much of the winter has lifted. I'm not as irritable or depressed anymore. Maggie and I are enjoying each others' company, even if it means my house is always a wreck. Such is life with a toddler.

My interest in photography has resurged. I got a new DSLR a few weeks ago and have had a blast trying it out. I have a lot to learn (and very little time in which to do it) but even now I'm already getting better pictures than I was before:

That's really about all that you've missed. Not very exciting, I know... But at least I'm healthy and happier. That's all that matters.