Friday, April 13, 2007

Achy and Sore...

How is it I managed to forget how achy and sore one is during the final stage of pregnancy? I have been having strong Braxton Hicks contractions (something I did not experience with Maggie), belly soreness, pelvic bone pain (from them shifting into unusual configurations), and I can't even roll over in bed - already. 6 weeks to go and you would think with the way I'm feeling that I'm already at my due date.

I've started bellydancing classes in hopes that they will be useful during labor. I had read about how some of the pelvic movements were helpful in getting the baby moving in the right direction, as well as with dealing with the pain during contractions. I had also been meaning to take bellydancing classes for a while now, but it's easy to put off my wants over others' needs. But when a local friend said she signed up for the latest session, I decided to join her. It's been fun! I can't do everything (where are my belly muscles these days anyway???) but I do feel better after the classes. The last class is May 23rd and they have predicted that I won't be there because the bellydancing will bring this babe on early. We'll see!

Otherwise, it's been much of the same old, same old. The dark cloud that had enveloped me during much of the winter has lifted. I'm not as irritable or depressed anymore. Maggie and I are enjoying each others' company, even if it means my house is always a wreck. Such is life with a toddler.

My interest in photography has resurged. I got a new DSLR a few weeks ago and have had a blast trying it out. I have a lot to learn (and very little time in which to do it) but even now I'm already getting better pictures than I was before:

That's really about all that you've missed. Not very exciting, I know... But at least I'm healthy and happier. That's all that matters.


Crista said...

Awesome photo!! I see Maggie has the same issue Bella does with the bangs in her eyes. :) Cutie.

Very cool re: the belly dancing classes. My mom has done some and says its fun. I'm not sure I could do it in public, but I do think it would be fun!

I'm so glad the cloud has lifted. I've been thinking of you, and just realized I still haven't e-mailed you back...hopefully the weather will be improving soon and maybe we can make some plans to meet up. I better not wait too long or you won't be going anywhere with a new baby! :)

Summer Girl said...

Love that pic! What a cutie!