Thursday, March 31, 2005

Just Hand Over The Zingers!!!!

I was so proud of myself. I wasn't one of "those" pregnant women, the weak ones who get intense cravings that must be fulfilled NOW or everyone else will suffer the consequences. Sure, I had cravings. Some I've satisfied, most I wasn't able to and eventually, the crisis would pass and I would be normal again. I've lost all control.

The other day I snuck down to the vending machine at work for a sweet snack. I keep snacks in my drawer but nothing there seemed to tickle my fancy, so I figured I'd take a peek at what my other options were. There in the bottom row, almost hidden from view, was a piece of my childhood - Raspberry Zingers. I couldn't remember the last time I'd had one so I figured, "Why not?" I promptly devoured them, the divine taste lingering in my mind for hours afterwards (yes, I can recall tastes just by thinking about something I've eaten!). Last night I had to go grocery shopping so I decided I would pick up some more Raspberry Zingers to have on, I really wanted another one. Lo and behold, there were NONE to be found!! How dare they? No problem, there was always the vending machine, right? So I skipped on down to the vending machine this morning, only to find fudge brownies where my zingers were! The nerve!! I stared at that machine for a good 2 or 3 minutes hoping they would appear somehow, but alas, nothing. Now what?

I told Brian that if he can find me some Raspberry Zingers, he will forever be my hero. It's all I can think about... Zingers, Zingers, Zingers... Where oh where can you be found?

And what happened to the sane me???


Kether said...

They must put something in zingers. I laughed so hard when I read your post because a long time ago a friend (not pregnant) got some Lemon zingers out of the vending machine here at work. She craved more. There weren't more. She went nuts.
She doesn't work here anymore and lives out of state, but when she visits, we all go buy Lemon zingers at stores and ply her with a lot of them. I must send her a link to your blog. She'd think this was really funny. =)

Jackie said...

What on earth is a zinger and where do I get some? You make them sound so good that I think I need to try some! The name sounds like they are definitely something that could be addictive!

Maybe you can start a petition to get the zingers back in the vending machine!
