Wednesday, March 30, 2005


I just heard back about another item I've been trying to get squared away! Since I will be working full time again after my maternity leave, but I also will be breastfeeding (more on that later), it will be a bit complicated upon my return to work. I've been doing a lot of reading about working and breastfeeding so I think I know a bit of what's in store for me, but I also wanted to set things up at work so I don't have to worry about it later. Where I work, we have different schedules depending on the day of the week. We work Monday through Wednesday 8:30AM to 4:00PM, Thursday 8:30AM to 6:30PM, and Friday 8:30AM to 12:30PM. We get one 15 minute break in the morning Monday through Thursday and an extra 15 minute break in the afternoon/evening on Thursdays, but no breaks on Fridays (this is in addition to our 1 hour unpaid lunch break Monday through Thursday). Theoretically, I should be able to pump in 8-10 minutes with the Medela pump I intend to purchase...however, I know that in the beginning it may take longer until I get used to the routine. So I approached them about getting an extra 5 minutes or so tacked on to every 15 minute break that I would make up for by working late however long I took. In addition, I requested a break on Fridays so I can pump, again, working late however long it takes.

I was a bit worried about my request... We work in a union environment so everything has to be run by them first, and a lot of times, deviations to the schedule aren't granted because of the concern that "everyone" will want one, too. But I was pleased with the response I got today. I will be allowed to take the extra time. :D The only slight problem is that I have to make up that time in the morning before work. ??? I'm not sure how I'm supposed to predict how much extra time I will need, but I guess I'll just have to go with 5 minutes Monday through Wednesday, 10 minutes Thursday, and 15-20 minutes on Friday. Of course, this may make things a bit harrier in the morning with getting Peep to daycare, but I want to do this. I could have given up time from my lunch breaks, but I wanted to save that time so I could go to the daycare and nurse Peep.

The other concern I had was that when I first approached Personnel about a place where I can pump, I was referred to the ladies' room. YUCK! Fortunately, Connecticut law states that they have to make a reasonable effort to provide a "private and comfortable" place for me to pump, and I referred them to the law. I had been waiting to hear back on that, but my supervisor assured me today that they will provide a space--they just can't tell me where yet because they will be moving some offices around in the interim. At least I will have a place and the time to do it!

Back to the breastfeeding thing. I know I am setting my standards extremely high here, and probably setting myself up for a load of frustration. But I absolutely do not want to give formula at all. It's my personal choice. I don't consider anyone to be any less of a parent for giving formula. You need to do what is best for you and your child. But with the health problems that I have that *may* be linked to having been formula fed when I was an infant (asthma and allergies, namely), I feel very strongly about exclusively breastfeeding any children I have. It's quite the leap, actually, since my Mom didn't breastfeed any of us, and I really don't know anyone from her generation who did. Regardless, I have made this one of the things I will not back down matter how difficult it is, no matter how painful, I will do this. If Peep doesn't want to nurse, then I will pump exclusively and give him/her expressed breast milk in a bottle for all of his/her feedings. I am committed to this! (And it's quite the thing for me since I'm supposed to go back on Metformin for my PCOS after I give birth, but I can't if I'm breastfeeding...but it's that important to me.) At least I have leapt over this hurdle...

1 comment:

Kether said...

I really admire your strength on this one. As you know, I wanted to breastfeed Liam but the stress of making him try just did me in. I think maybe if I had your conviction I would have been able to stand up to the nurses.
I think, in retrospect, if the nurses hadn't made me give him formula he would have eventually latched on and given up his fight. But they insisted because his blood sugar was so low and they kept pricking his little foot. I hope that the nurses in your maternity ward are more supportive because if you do have BF problems (God forbid) it will make it easier for you to push forward with trying.