Friday, March 25, 2005

Today's Appointment

It was a quick one today! Pee in a cup (it was ok), get weighed (gained 3 lbs in one week!! 16 lbs total now...but they told me not to stress about it), and blood pressure taken (112/62). Dr. F came in and measured my belly and then we listened to Peep's heart with the doppler. She said Peep's heartrate was in the 170s this time and sounding like it should. I passed the 1 hour glucose challenge with flying colors - woohoo! I get to have chocolate for Easter!! :D That was about it... My next appointment is in 3 weeks when I'll be 30 weeks. After that, she said they would schedule in 3 weeks again (33 weeks), then 2 weeks (35 weeks), then every week. Why does that not seem very long at all? She asked me if we were preparing at home and said we better get going because Peep will be here soon!

Dr. F was great about not lecturing me on my weight (she just said to try to eat healthy) but she did seem extremely disappointed that I didn't want to take a childbirth class. She asked me about this the last time I saw her, and at that time she said she really wanted me to do the hospital tour (which we were planning on anyway) and take an infant CPR course. But this time she really tried to talk me into the childbirth class. I *really* don't want to take one. I don't want one on one attention, and I hate the whole idea of the classes (the "let's bond because we're all pregnant together" mentality that seems to prevail at these classes). I've also heard from many women who have taken them that they didn't learn anything that they didn't read in books already anyway. So I thought I would be fine not taking them... but apparently Dr. F doesn't think so. Last time I checked, there was only one class left locally and it's at the end of May. Not very useful if I go into labor early, eh? ;) I'm really not sure what to do now...

I almost forgot! I asked Dr. F about the unknown ultrasound image below. She said she wasn't sure what it was but if she had to guess, she'd say (her words) a "crotch shot." She said there was definitely the umbilical cord in the picture, and she thought the crotch was on the left, but that was only a guess. She figured the tech accidentally put the picture on the CD and that while it was something she obviously needed, it certainly wasn't worthy of the baby book. So I guess we'll never know for sure what that was a picture of.

1 comment:

Rosanne said...

Carrie, Sounds to me like you should go with your gut. If you don't think you need the class or just plain don't want to go, don't. I don't think you could possibly do it wrong when the time comes.

hmmm, a crotch shot, huh? Can you tell anything from it? Maybe Peep wants you to know after all. :)