Friday, March 18, 2005

All's Well...So Far

I called the OB's office this morning. After some deliberation, the nurse decided to call me in for 2PM so they could hook me up to the monitor and check if I was having contractions. I was so grateful because it didn't seem like they would at first and I really didn't want to spend the weekend second guessing whether I described my symptoms well enough for them to get the gist of what was going on. So I trekked on down there and was hooked up. Peep once again sprang to life, kicking the nurse as she put his/her monitor on. It was pretty funny, actually, because it's not too often that I lay on my side with nothing on my stomach. Most of those kicks were STRONG! I bet if I could see that low on my belly, I would have seen them!

In the end, I wasn't having any contractions at all. They figured the cramping was probably just from me or Peep growing. Dr. F (who you may recall is not one of my favorites) redeemed herself today by being understanding and actually not at all preachy. She checked my cervix and said it was long and hard (don't laugh!) but that she could put her finger in a bit. Since she had nothing to compare it to, I have to go back in a week so she can make sure it's not thinning out.

Which also means that the glucose tolerance test I was supposed to do for my appointment in 2 weeks has now been moved up...meaning, tomorrow morning I have to go. I was planning on going to a daycare open house...but this is more important. Of course, I still haven't figured out what to eat before since it's not supposed to be a fasting test but I'm also supposed to eat protein beforehand (well, specificially I was told not to eat sugar before). I hate eggs so I'm not sure what to eat for breakfast that qualifies...

As I said, Dr. F was a lot more considerate this time. I had actually gained 2 lbs since my last appointment (total 13 lbs) and I'm surprised I didn't get her usual lecture since up until my last appointment, I was average .5 lb a week and I'm not supposed to go over 20 lbs. We'll see if she can be nice again when I see her next Friday. In the meantime, I'm supposed to call if I have more than 5 cramps in an hour or if there's any blood. And I'm to rest this weekend.


Unknown said...

Was glad to read they think it's just growing pains and not labor. Many prayers all continues to go well for you!

Kether said...

Sounds like you're getting good care. the only thing my doc did for my cramping was that stupid 24 hour urine test.
Cramping is scary, but you're doing all the right things and Peep is fine and your cervix is fine so that's good to hear!
(I know Katie will totally understand what you're going through right now).
As for the glucose tolerance test, I dunno. I had mine the afternoon after I got off of a cruise ship. I'm shocked I passed at all. *grin*
Take care of yourself Carrie. Get some rest this weekend.

Lauren said...

Glad to hear that everything is ok with little Peep. Better to be safe than sorry - I'm glad the doctor was willing to see you.

This is a big growing time for the baby, so don't get too discouraged about the weight gain (although not bad at all).

Jackie said...

I think that your doctor's office is really great. I'm so glad that everything is okay with you and Peep!
