Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Random Thoughts

The glucose challenge (LOL, but that's what it said on the paperwork!) on Saturday wasn't so bad. I picked a lab in a nice community in hopes that it was nicer than the lab near my OB's office. What a smart move! The lab was in a sort of converted mansion and it was *beautiful*! Ornate woodwork and fireplaces and comfy highback chairs with a windowseat that probably looks out on a nice garden when it's warmer. I also got to have the orange drink, which reminded me of orange Hi-C. In fact, I had to have some orange Hi-C yesterday so I could compare and yup, they're pretty much the same. Makes you wonder how much sugar there is in Hi-C... I'm waiting on the results. We're supposed to go over them Friday at my appointment, but I'm thinking of calling today for them anyway. I guess I'm just a little impatient.

I started buying boy clothes! I found some great deals at Gymboree and couldn't resist! Worst case scenario, items can be returned up to 4 months after purchase there (but I've heard they're flexible on that, even). I figured that if I keep saying that I think Peep's a boy, maybe I better start acting like it, too.

I'm restless again. I think being stuck resting all weekend didn't help. I keep looking at the clock wishing for time to pass by more quickly. Not that I'm not enjoying this stage of pregnancy. It's pretty amazing every time I feel Peep roll around inside me or kick. But I've hit a lull again and I just want to fast-forward to the fun and interesting parts. I keep looking in what will (sort of) be Peep's room wishing we had it set up, but knowing I can't until after my shower since my parents are buying the crib and armoire. I've run out of things I can buy so with every passing day, I feel like I'm not doing anything to prepare. There are a few things left on my list, but it's mostly the stuff I really don't want to do (like research daycare) so I'm not exactly eager to get that checked off.

Speaking of daycare, one of my aunts once again said she would love to watch Peep. Except she's the breadwinner in her family. Her husband is 18 years older and when his employer closed a few years ago, he ended up on Social Security Disability because he was too old and ill to get a job elsewhere. So she works for the health insurance and the majority of the money. I would LOVE to have her watch Peep! Family is always best, and I know my aunt would do an excellent job. But I also know she can't afford to do it for what we can afford to pay. She was asking her husband again if there was any way she could do it, but I know she can't. What a shame... I keep telling myself daycare is good. Children learn to interact with other children at a much younger age. They learn things I may not have the time to do if I tried to do it all myself. But I hate the idea of handing my child over to a stranger and have been hoping deep down inside that some relative would come through in the end. I guess that's probably why I don't really have any desire to check out the daycare centers.

I am happy to report that I am on labor watch for Lauren!!! I can't wait! Not too much longer now! I'll be sure to tell everyone as soon as I get the news! :)


Lauren said...

Awww - thanks for the shout out! And thanks for being my labor buddy! Can't wait to do the same for you!

I totally understand your feelings about daycare. It would be nice to have a family member take care of the baby, but I think there are some definite benefits to daycare. Just make sure you feel completely at ease at the place you end up at, and go for a visit during the day when the kids are there.

Jackie said...

I know what you mean about this middle part of pregnancy. I am trying to sit back and enjoy it, but I always want to feel MORE kicks or reach another milestone etc.

You are 2 days away from the 3rd trimester though, so that's huge! Your shower will be here before you know it we'll be waiting for your birth annoucement. Better get looking at daycares!


Kether said...

It will be here before you know it! I can't wait!

Unknown said...

Glad to see a new post from you and that all is going well. Is the glucose stuff really that close to Hi-C? It looks so much thicker, which I'm afraid would make me gag.

If it helps at all... I've worked in daycare for almost 8 years and am the lead infant teacher at my center. I'd be happy to answer any questions (or just provide a listening, reassuring ear) if you need. We've emailed before, so you know where to find me.