Thursday, March 10, 2005

25 Weeks

I can't believe there are only 15 weeks to go! Of course, I've already started waddling due to extreme pelvic pain that developed this week. It feels like something is in there trying to pry my bones apart. Yeouch! I told Brian last night that I don't think I'll make it to 40 weeks, that this baby will come early. Anybody want to make any guesses? Considering our family history, it isn't likely to happen, but with the way I feel now I can't imagine going the whole distance. At least Peep is comfy and cozy. S/he has picked up in activitiy over the last few days, poking and jabbing and kicking in new places and for longer spans of time.

BTW, for those who commented yesterday on my color choice for the pouch, just letting you know that I happen to *like* blue. If it makes you feel any better (or adds to the confusion at least), the fabric I have for the ring sling I will be trying next is a purple plaid/madras pattern. :D But I appreciate the compliments! It's a good thing I didn't take a picture of the seam...that's where the ugliness is. But I figure nobody will be close enough to me to be inspecting that anyway.


Kether said...

gad blogger is driving me crazy. I'm so sorry about your really is HORRIBLE ...that pelvic pain. Just wanted you to know that I totally understand and that if you need to whine about so because I so remember that misery.

I hope it goes away. Mine stayed for the duration. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Unknown said...

I'm really bad at gender predictions but I will venture a guess on the birth dae. I say you will deliver at 38 weeks.
-Carrie Jo