Monday, March 28, 2005

Checking Things Off My List

I feel like I'm really accomplishing some things this week.
  • I ordered the Childbirth DVD. We decided to go with the Gift of Motherhood, which I found out afterwards that there actually was an in-person class in Connecticut that was based on the book and DVD. Then again, the in-person class costs $200 and I got the DVDs and book for $40, so I feel like I'm ahead of the game already!

  • I completed and had notarized my living will. With all the controversy lately over Terri Schiavo, I figured I'd better get it done, especially since I feel very strongly on the subject. I don't expect to need it any time soon, but at least it's been done. It also included naming a medical Power of Attorney, Conservator, and Appointment of Health Care Agent. I think all my bases are covered.

  • Brian and I toured our first daycare today. I did some research ahead of time because this one is owned by a national corporation (the Knowledge Learning Corporation ) with an education-focused philosophy, which drew me to it in the first place. I emailed the director last week and got some preliminary answers from her before I made the appointment, so I was pretty informed already before going. The assistant director was our guide today. I was impressed. The place was clean, but not "too clean" (if you know what I mean). The assistant director was extremely friendly (she's been there for 9 years). They have a big focus on education and entertaining children. Infants are only in their cribs for sleeping, which I think is excellent. Diaper changes every 2 hours. Feeding based on what I tell them (on my own schedule or when the baby's hungry). They will feed expressed breast milk (wearing gloves). I can drop in any time. The doors are locked all the time; entry is granted with a keyless entry code. They never close for inclement weather (a problem with a lot of the daycare centers around the heck can you get to work if your daycare is always opening late or closing early due to poor weather?!). We have to provide everything (diapers, wipes, bottles, bedding, etc.) but I don't mind that...I'm a control freak anyway. They give reports at the end of the day letting you know how many diaper changes, what they were, when naps occurred and for how long, feedings and how much, etc. They do art projects and creative stuff once the children get old enough to do it. They have a playground outside once the children are old enough. They have separate rooms for infants (maximum of 8 in the room with 2 teachers) and toddlers, which are on the other side of the building from the preschool kids. The list goes on and on. The bad part? It's $210 a week for full-time care...we were planning on $150 a week, and I still hadn't even figured out how we would pay that. The center I'll be touring on Friday is $180 a week, but I didn't get a great vibe just from my phone call, so I'm not sure how well that will go...

I also have the new patient consultation set up with the pediatrician for April 20th. I talked with the OB about how the pediatrician does not have hospital rights where I'll be delivering and she said that wasn't a problem. They'll just have one of the pediatricians from the Children's Medical Center (special hospital building across the street) come over to do the hospital checks on our baby. No problem.

I still have to:
  • Get my truck cleaned so I can install the carseat and have it inspected.

  • Set up the hospital tour (need Brian's winter job to be over first).

  • Figure out our drive route to the hospital and an alternative in case of traffic (traffic can bring the drive up to 1.5 hours or more!).

  • Set up baby's room (need to have my shower first so I'll have the crib and armoire).

  • Wash and put away baby's clothes (need to have shower first so I have somewhere to put the clothes).

  • Take some sort of breastfeeding class.

  • Pack hospital bag

I think that's everything. :D


a phantom girl said...

Such a sweet story...never give up!

Lauren said...

Sounds like you've made great progress! You are getting so close now - it's good to keep a list and get these thinghs crossed off when you can. You are definitely prepared!

~Tanya~ said...

Can you send me some of this organization, list making & actually completing them skills. You are so on top of things!

Jackie said...

I think I need your help! :)
