Monday, May 21, 2007


Well, we have no closet ceiling in our bathroom anymore... and the problem still isn't fixed. The handyman is now waiting for the landlord to get the part for him, then he will call us to set up a time to fix it. I guess the drain to the bathtub above us is broken. So there's no ceiling, water is still leaking, I have to wait for him to fix it and then he'll have to replace the closet sheetrock as well as some of the sheetrock over our tub (which that is only a few years old... we redid the ceiling before we sold the house), and in the meantime I have all the closet stuff displaced throughout the house (including a good deal of it in our already cramped 9'x10' bedroom). SIGH. Guess Sprout needs to hold out a bit longer... When he asked me when would be a good time to come fix it, I had to tell him that I have no idea... I could go into labor at any time. He looked like he didn't believe me. Guess he was of the opinion that I'm excessively fat instead of pregnant.

I think Sprout rotated last night. I was trying my best to lie as close to on my stomach as possible (as recommended to help with posterior babies) and s/he was moving like mad most of the night! I'm not in as much pain today either. Regardless, Sprout can't come yet so s/he better be planning on at least a few more days' stay in the womb!

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