Thursday, May 17, 2007

Adventures In Natural Induction

I know. All in due time. It's not up to me as to when Sprout should arrive. But that doesn't mean I can't do things to try to help my body move in the right direction, right? :)

So today I had 2500mg Evening Primrose Oil, we actually DTD (in spite of my being as big as a whale right now!), and I tried out my breast pump for a good 30 minutes of stimulation.

What did that get me? A couple contractions, and that's it. The EPO isn't supposed to help with contractions (or DTD, actually) - it's supposed to help thin and shorten the cervix. And without that being checked by someone who knows what they're doing, there's no way to tell if there has been an improvement. Especially since I haven't been checked yet in this pregnancy - and I'm not pushing for it. You can walk around for weeks dilated at 3cm and being partly effaced and it still makes no difference. Your body will do what it wants to do when it's ready. So rather than add to the stress, I have not asked for any internals to find out that status. But you know what? I'm driving myself crazy anyway. ;)

Maybe it just takes a little longer than a half hour to see a difference? LOL! Wait and see...

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