Friday, May 11, 2007


A thunderstorm is on the horizon. I can hear it coming. As a child, I always thought it was cool to watch the lightning safely from my bedroom window with my dad. But I've never enjoyed those thunderstorms that wake you in the middle of the night. They still frighten me.

I read recently that big changes in barometric pressure can bring on labor. I guess we shall see.

38 weeks 0 days. Some crampy contractions, but nothing to write home about. It felt like Sprout had dropped a little yesterday, but I'm not feeling that pressure today. Though I have heard that it's possible for a 2nd baby to not drop until labor itself.

Of course, we still have no names picked out. NONE. Not even a list to pick from. So maybe I shouldn't be in a hurry to get this kiddo out.

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