Tuesday, May 15, 2007


38 weeks 4 days today.

At this exact point in my pregnancy with Margaret, I was being admitted to H Hospital for my induction. The first round of Pitocin would be starting around 10PM... and after 31 hours, 2 rounds of Pitocin, breaking my water, an internal monitor, and an epidural at 26 hrs, Margaret came into the world. 5AM June 16, 2005 when I was 38 weeks 6 days pregnant.

It's hard to just sit here and wait this time. No contractions to speak of for days now. No signs of the mucus plug. Sprout still feels pretty high up (not the bowling ball between the legs feeling that I had before Margaret's induction, even!). In fact, aside from the fact that I have a huge belly in the way, I don't even feel pregnant. There's the occasional jab or somersault from the womb, but nothing of the discomfort I had felt in the weeks leading up to my induction with Margaret. It's really quite strange.

So who knows when this kiddo will arrive... Murphy's Law would lean toward this weekend (as MIL is away and she is the one who's supposed to watch Margaret while I have this baby) or May 27, as my family will be on the other side of the state at my cousin's wedding. All I know is, it won't be today.

1 comment:

~Tanya~ said...

Back home here they tell the preggo's to take a drive down an old bumpy dirt road ;) Just kidding, sad attempt to be funny. You sound like you are feeling in a better place emotionally right now. (((HUGS)))