Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Dawn of a Better Day

Goodness, I hope so! The combination of preggo hormonal mood swings, Maggie's refusal to sleep (and therefore crankiness), and her testing of every boundary possible has not been good for us. It appears she has awakened in a better mood today and I hope it lasts... Not only did she wear me out yesterday, but she got to hubby, too, in the few short hours they spent together. Thankfully, he did rescue me for some time so I could calm down (and I put to good use the Cold Stone Creamery gift card we got from MIL for our anniversary after she went to sleep finally... gotta love Cold Stone to go!).

I awoke at about 3:30AM with bad back pain this morning and some crampiness. It very likely was contractions, but they were nothing severe. I laid down in child's pose on top of my pillow (to support the belly) and was able to fall back asleep. Hubby asked this morning if he should stay home, but it doesn't look like Sprout is eager to show him/herself today. (Because I'd know by now if anything were going to happen today, right?)

That brings up an interesting point. Since I did not go into natural labor with Maggie, I'm not even sure what to expect. I know there are the signs I'm supposed to be looking for: bloody show/loss of mucus plug, contractions that are 5 min apart for at least 2 hours, sometimes loose stools can be an indicator... But do these have to happen? Like will I definitely lose the mucus plug first? Will my body definitely decide it wants to clean itself out before labor? Obviously I will have contractions eventually... but it just seems like there would be some sort of warning. Not like in the movies where the lead actress' water breaks and they're on a mad dash to the hospital to have the baby before it pops out in the car. Heck, water doesn't even have to break to have a baby, so I know that isn't a sign I can depend upon either. I feel like such a newbie at this!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The only thing I had that let me know I was in labor were the intense, frequent contractions. No losing the mucus plug. No loose bowels. None of it. I just woke up with the worst pain I'd ever felt in my belly. And it kept coming back over and over and over. LOL.

And, fwiw, the only position that helped me through them, was to sit on my birthing ball, leaning over the bed. (Which, I went out and purchased in an effort to get the kiddo to rotate and drop, because he, too, was in the wrong position).