Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Alright, Get Me The Duct Tape!

We have a stripper on our hands!

Yesterday while I was catching up at the computer, I heard a crash from the living room. Upon inspection, I discovered Miss Maggie in all her naked glory standing in front of the TV. I guess she had enough of her clothes and diaper.

Last night when hubby checked on her to find out why she was still awake 1.5 hrs after putting her to bed, he again discovered her naked (though at least still in a diaper).

Well, this morning I found her buck naked...and sleeping in a puddle of pee. Ugh! This kid needs her clothes duct taped on!!! What a mess to try to clean up this morning, especially since she kept trying to play on her bed as I was stripping and airing it. Sigh.

...I smell a ripe diaper... thank goodness she still has a diaper on for this!


Unknown said...

Oh boy, it looks like she's ready fr potty training... What timing!

Unknown said...

Oh goodness! You certainly have your hands full this week. No advice for you on the diaper removing.

I did LOL when I read your title of this post. I thought you were making reference to wanting "Sprout" to stay in place a little longer! I'm overly sleep-deprived... what can I say? My brain is fried these days.