Friday, April 08, 2005


I am feeling MUCH better today! Thank goodness, too, since I'll be spending at least 4 hours in a car this afternoon. We're escaping to New Hampshire for the weekend. Pretty much the whole time we've been together, we've visited the White Mountains region in New Hampshire at least once a year. Brian introduced me to it early on because his father brought him and his sisters up there often. I LOVE that area! Unfortunately, we haven't been able to visit much lately. Last year, with all that was going on with being pregnant, then losing Arabella, then being depressed, then getting pregnant again, we never did make it there. We did go to the Adirondacks to visit Brian's uncle in August (a new favorite!) as well as Warren, Vermont in March 2004 (for both of us to ski) and Stowe, Vermont in December 2004 (for Brian to ski and me to shop). I'm not complaining - we've obviously gotten away quite a bit. I just miss it. The year before we went to New Hampshire in August, but we had Becky with us so we weren't able to do many of the things we normally do.

What's really cool is that this trip will cost us very little (much like our trip to the Adirondacks). A guy Brian has skiied with a couple times offered his condo to us, free of charge. He also ended up with 2 free lift tickets for Cannon and Loon. So that just leaves gas and food. Becky will be staying with my father in law for the weekend, so we don't even have to pay for boarding! I can't wait to get on the road!

In other news, I called my mother to let her know where we would be this weekend (I do that any time we go away). She told me that the crib is ordered (YAY!!) AND it ended up ringing up for $30 less than the sale price! She checked and double checked and it's definitely the right crib...what a great surprise! I asked her what the rails came to (we asked her to order the conversion rails at the same time so the finish would match, but we planned on paying for them) and I got my second surprise - she and my sister decided they would pay for those, too! The rails and crib came to $400 all together, the same as the list price for the crib alone. We have to buy the mattress, but I don't have a problem with that. I guess my mom was so thrilled about the deal she got that she decided to give a little more...and I'm very appreciative!! Let's see... 10 weeks 6 days until my due date, and the crib should be here in about 9 weeks 3 days to 11 weeks 3 days. I'm so impatient though...I hope it comes early!


Kether said...

have a good trip!

Unknown said...

Glad you're feeling better!! What great news about the crib. Hope it comes soon!!

Enjoy your weekend away!

Jackie said...

Have a wonderful trip Carrie! I'm so glad everything worked out with the crib.
