Thursday, April 07, 2005


A stomach bug has been going around at work and I'm wondering if I'm incubating it now. I felt fine when I woke up this morning. Ate breakfast, showered, dressed, and went to work. And by 9:30AM, my stomach was starting to turn sour. I got all hot (a wonderful new thing I'm experiencing flashes at the dop of a hat), my head started to feel fuzzy, and my stomach was queasy. Sometimes I feel like this if I'm hungry, so I figured I'd eat my apple and see if it went away. It didn't. I tried peanut butter crackers next, figuring that since fruit *never* fills me up, maybe I just needed something with a little more staying power. Still nothing. By 11AM, I gave my body an ultimatum. It had until noon to go back to normal. If I still felt icky, I would go home.

At about 11:50AM, my boss came over to talk to me and apparently I didn't look so good from the look on her face. She asked what was wrong and as soon as I told her, she said I should go home, that it was probably the same thing she just went through as well as another co-worker in our office. So I did. I'm home now and have been for almost 4 hours.

I'm not good at staying home though... Being there alone (i.e. without somebody in the way) makes me think of all the things I need to do or should be doing. I wrote out a card I've been meaning to do all week. I caught up on email. I started a load of laundry. Finally, I stepped back from it all and laid down on the couch to nap. Obviously, it wasn't a long nap.

Hopefully it is this 24 hour bug that everyone's getting, though, so it will be gone before we leave for our weekend away tomorrow. We're going up to the White Mountains in New Hampshire so Brian can go skiing one last time. I was going to go outlet shopping but I've pretty much blown my spending money on that crib set I ordered yesterday, so I guess I'll just be doing a lot of window shopping. Or sleeping at the condo if this doesn't go away. All I know is, I better have my appetite back because I've been wanting to eat at our 2 favorite restaurants there (the Common Man and the Woodstock Station/Clement Room Grille) for a LONG time now. We used to go visit that area every year for at least a weekend, but last year we went to the Adirondacks instead and the year before, we had Becky with us so we couldn't eat out (we also stayed in a different area about 1 hour away from where we usually stay). It will probably be a while before we get up there again after Peep is born so I'd like to be able to enjoy it. Here's hoping!

1 comment:

Kether said...

omigosh i forgot about the hot flashes. I hated those.
I hope you feel better. we've been passing around the flu, too. One of the beautiful things about working...