Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Now What?

I'm in limbo again. Nothing else to buy. Nothing else to do. Well, kind of. I'm meeting with Peep's pediatrician-to-be tomorrow morning. And I have to call the daycare to set up an appointment to sign a contract and pay the deposit. I also have the hospital tour, but that's not until May 14th. Everything else has to wait until after my shower and/or until the furniture arrives. So now what? I have some various filing and shredding of documents to do, but that's not much fun. And besides, that will only take an afternoon at the most.

Last night I pulled out the "learn to knit" kit that I bought when I first found out I was pregnant with Peep. Those of you who have followed my blog know that I dabbled in learning to knit this past fall and early winter. It didn't last long because I can't sit still long enough to be content with knitting. But I had this kit for making a newborn hat and booties sitting around, so I figured I'd give it a go again. After all, it won't take as long as a blanket would and it's not like I have anything else pressing to do. Maybe I'll have enough patience to at least finish the hat? The other reason I've put off doing this kit? It scares me. I don't know how to decrease or do ribbing (both are required in this kit) and the one time I did try ribbing, it didn't go well. But I'm 7 rows into it now so I have to finish it. :D Time to conquer the fear!

Boredom sets in too easily for me. My interests are constantly changing, probably because I bore easily. I always need to be doing something though. If I sit on the couch watching TV, the iBook is there with me. If I'm eating lunch, I'm also reading or (again) using the iBook. I even have the news or something like that on in the background when I'm reading! So not only is it impossible for me to sit and do nothing, but I'm usually doing two things at once. So now what? What kind of trouble will I get myself into this time now that I've run out of things that need to be done for the time-being?


Tanya said...

Enjoy the time now! ;) It won't be long before you will never have time to do "nothing." :) :)

Kether said...

Ahhh yes, the boredom of trimester #3. The hurry up and wait time.
Knit. I can't wait to see the hat you make. I have NO talent for knitting. Apparantly I can't count.
LOVE Peep's room
Did you guys decide not to look for another place just yet?