Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Just Stuff

I guess I was a little vague yesterday...my appointment was with Dr. K. For some reason that I was not told (and I was not forewarned), he was not there, so they shoved me off on Dr. F. I had no idea until she walked into the exam room that I'd be seeing someone else. My next appointment is also with Dr. K. He BETTER be there!! If not him, then it better be one of the delivering doctors. I don't even know why they would have a non-delivering doctor see pregnant patients. And I can't imagine seeing her as my gyno if that's how she is with pregnant women. My favorite doctor in the practice probably had her baby over the last week, so she won't be back until March. I'd love to make all of my appointments with her but since any one of 4 doctors will be the one on call when I go into labor, I figure I better get used to them. At least, I tried to do that.

Money money money. Nobody ever has enough. I think I found a way to pay for daycare once the baby comes, but there won't really be anything to spare. I don't think our debts are that ridiculously out of whack from what the average Joe has these days, yet it seems we never get ahead. We were looking at real estate for sale and found one that suited Brian's needs, although the location was less than desirable. How sad it was to realize it was a stretch we couldn't make when you factor in the daycare we'll have to pay for. We're not talking big bucks here; it's just that the real estate market is so crazy right now that starter homes are outside of the reach of those who need them. And I will NEVER own a multifamily again. It works great in theory, but it never worked out that way for us. Everything's hunky-dory if you get paid every month, but we seemed to have a vacancy in one or the other apartment the whole time we owned the place. So much turnover and so few desirable renters out there. I hate renting. I really do. I want to be able to do whatever I want with where I live...it's just out of reach right now. I don't know...we must be doing something wrong. There may be an opening in another department at work that works 5 more hours a week than mine does, so I may transfer if the opportunity arises. It will suck to have to learn a new job right before having a baby, but we could really use the money. Money money money.

I wore a maternity shirt to work for the first time today. I was hoping nobody would notice, but they did right away. At least I met their approval; nobody seemed to think I was wearing it too soon. I don't really need the maternity shirts yet, it's just that my regular ones are getting shorter and shorter and I want to make sure that demi panel is covered on my bottoms. Maybe it has to do with the absolutely horrible 8 lbs I've gained so far. Never mind the fact that I had 2 holidays to contend with (3 if you count New Year's) since I got pregnant. 8 lbs in 16 weeks doesn't seem that bad to me...that would average out to 20 lbs over the entire pregnancy. But apparently it's just way to much. I guess I'm going to be a huge heifer by the end of this pregnancy if I don't watch out and eat more veggies/fruits and get up off my butt and exercise more... Of course, I don't think 20 lbs would be all that bad. Isn't average 25 lbs? Oh well...

Which reminds me. Why the heck does my butt, hips, and back hurt so much already??? Isn't it a bit early for this? I've been trying to sleep on my side lately since I know I will have no choice soon, but my hips hurt like heck. Darn spring mattress! And I've noticed at work that when I sit too long, my butt hurts, too, when I get up. My tailbone, to be more specific. My lower back has been bothering me since before I got my BFP, which is hugely different than my pregnancy with Arabella. Quite annoying, too. I thought I would have had some respite from these aches and pains in early pregnancy, but I guess not. Only 24 more weeks of them to deal with....let's hope!


Lauren said...

I'm sorry about your lousy doctor's appointment. That just doesn't make sense why she would be that way in an ob/gyn office! Hopefully you never get her again.

Money - there never is enough, is there? I hope everything works out for you and that y'all are able to find the perfect place.

Fun that you wore your first maternity top! How did your boss take the news?

Kether said...

Yes, I know all about wanting to keep the dratted panel covered on the materno-pants. I am just not cut out for wearing those under the belly pants--so I have to wear the panels and Liam is getting so big they're starting to show and I'm really going to have to resort to sweats and jammies and just stay home. Oh? That's not an option? I have to work 1.5 more weeks? blah.

Money's a bitch. I really understand your need to be in your own place. I'm hoping and praying you two can find something before the baby comes because I know this rental situation is causing you a lot of undue stress.

And the pain...ugh...well you know I'm not happy about mine. I hope it eases for you, but if I'm anything to go by it doesn't get better. I really think I'm going to need tranquilizers to get through labor.

Rosanne said...

Bad doctor, bad doctor.

We have friend who keep trying to convince us the real estate is the thing to own. That we should figure out a way to buy condos and rent them out. The last thing I want to be is a landlord and your post has confirmed that.

I wouldn't worry about the weight. As you've said before, if you end up with more than you want, you can always lose it after Peep's arrival.
