Monday, January 03, 2005


Back from my doctor's appointment. I didn't get see the doctor I was supposed to, Dr. K. Instead, I saw Dr. F, one of the non-delivering doctors in the practice. I did not like her at all. She rushed through the appointment and lectured the whole time. Apparently, I'm not eating well enough, I'm not exercising enough, and my questions are stupid. Never mind the fact that the last time I tried to go the gym, I almost vomitted on the equipment - she says it will make me feel better. And I guess I never knew my food groups either since she went through each one of them. You mean fat isn't on the bottom of the food pyramid? Duh! She seemed irritated that I had any questions at all, and brushed it all off as normal. She wouldn't even check out this "irritation" I've been having; just told me to try an OTC solution and call them if it didn't work. I didn't bother trying to get an ultrasound out of her...there would have been no point. Hopefully I will get to see Dr. K next time when I go for "the big ultrasound" as well. February 2nd. 4 more weeks. I can make it, right? The rest of my questions will have to wait until then, too. No point in asking questions about delivery options of one who doesn't deliver.


Kether said...

OMG why are some people doctors?!?!?!?!?

Soooo sorry Carrie!
you didn't kick her in the shins on your way out?

Unknown said...

Maybe you can request a different doctor if she's assigned to you next time? Or call the office and tell them not to schedule you with her, ever. I think Dr's offices will usually oblige if you have a particular dislike for a doc. Good luck with the next appointment! Glad to know everything is progressing fine. :o)

MrsEvilGenius said...

Oh yeah ... there are a few real gems in my OB practice as well.*rolls eyes* I just schedule my appointments to miss these particular guys.

I especially HATE the 'lecturers'. Yes, I know I'm gaining too much, yes I know I need more excercise, yes I know, I know! Geez.

Love the BLOG, Carrie -Blue from FF June Board

Jackie said...

This is one of my biggest peaves - doctor's who have zero social skills at dealing with their patients. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Can you request not to see that one again maybe? So frustrating!
