Friday, January 14, 2005

Harder Than I Thought

Geez, it's harder than I thought to CONSCIOUSLY eat enough calories and fat every day to grow a baby! Well, it wouldn't be that hard if I was eating crap all day, which is what I was doing up until recently... Good thing Peep is taking from me what s/he needs so I'm the only one suffering for all those burgers, pizza slices, *fried* french fries, and other yummy but bad for you stuff. Of course, I *could* argue that you can get every food group in pizza...and burgers, if you do it right. :) But we all know that grease is not an essential part of growing a baby. So, how do you get enough fat and calories in a day when you're eating healthy? Don't we all pretty much cheat on a daily basis, thereby making it easier to get to that goal? But if you really did go by the food pyramid (which I hear is under major revamping...more on that later), you would be stuffed full of veggies and fruits (which have almost no calories or fat), grains (cereal, bread, pasta, and other stuff that tends not to have much fat either), and a bit of dairy and meat thrown in to balance it all out. Since the pyramid says we're supposed to limit our fat, that would mean lean meats and low-fat/fat-free dairy. In a perfect world, we could eat all waking hours of the day before achieving that ideal total of calories and whatnot for the day... But to be honest, I'm a picky eater...there are only so many veggies I will eat, and fruits give me problems if I eat too many of them. Plus, fruits tend to make me *hungrier* instead of satisfying that hunger. I could eat bread and pasta all the would make me happy. But since I have PCOS, I'm supposed to be careful about that, too. And since I got pregnant, I haven't been able to stand the smell of ground turkey, one of the major staples of my pre-pregnancy diet. I'm also getting sick of chicken, and I only like steak medium-rare, which is a no-no while pregnant. So what's a girl to do? Well, I'm doing the best I can... If I can't get to those goals consistently, I'll just have to add in some crap to balance it all out. :)

Oh yeah, food pyramid. I heard that the new guideline for exercise is 90 minutes a day, EVERY DAY. Are these people on crack? Do they really think people have an hour and a half to spare *every day*??? It's insane! And unreasonable, and setting people up for failure which makes them give up entirely. I know, I've been there..setting goals too high is bad news. My endocrinologist told me he wanted me to exercise about 30 minutes for 6 days a week (or was it 5?). That would be 3 hours total a week... he did say I could sum it up, too, which was usually how I managed to fit it in. A lot of exercise on Sundays with a little during the week. 3 hours is manageable. I just finished 3 hours for this week when I did my new exercise DVD tonight. I can't imagine finding the time for 10.5 hours of exercise! Especially when Peep joins us this summer!! But I'm no expert so I guess I don't know what I'm talking about...

1 comment:

Mama Duck said...

Found you through "My House"...I totally agree with your theory on pizza...dairy (milk), breads (crust), etc. As for exercise, I was really good about walking (until I moved from TX to WI last week!) and found that after my first baby was born it was a great way to lose some of my baby weight. Of course, my walks are about 25 minutes, so I guess I'm not meeting my 90 minutes a day either...unless you count chasing an overly active one year-old. Cheers!