Monday, January 03, 2005

Back to Work

After a lovely hiatus of nearly a week and a half, it's back to work for me today. Yuck. I've gotten so used to sleeping in until "A Baby Story" is on TLC at 9AM, and staying up until nearly midnight. I've always been a night owl and never a morning person so this suited me well. I've also gotten used to spending all day with our dog, and she's pretty clingy so I have a feeling she will take this hard. I take her just about everywhere I can with me, so she really hates it when I have to go to work and leave her behind by herself. And of course, I don't particularly like my job to begin with, so it makes it even harder to return to it after being away so long. But return I must...if nothing else, I need the insurance for a safe delivery of Peep in June.

I also have my monthly OB appointment this afternoon. I've decided to try to convince him to take a peek in there and see how many babies there are. I'd like some time to prepare myself if there are two Peeps in there, although I really think there's only one - I just want to be sure. So hopefully he cooperates, although I'm not counting on it... I'll update when I return!

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