Saturday, January 08, 2005

Hormonal Rant

I apologize in advance to all of you with perfect spouses/partners out there. I just need to get this off of my chest...

The thing that irritates me the most about pregnancy is the advice to let others help you get done what you can't anymore. In theory, this long as someone offers to help. My husband is not one of those people. I can't get him to lift a finger around the house normally, unless it's to feed himself or clear the table. Now it's worse. I can't get everything done and it just sits and sits and sits until I get so sick of seeing it, I go into a hormonal craze and do it all in one night and flip out the entire time because I didn't get any help. It's not fair to either of us. A great example: Thursday it snowed and then we had freezing rain and sleet. Brian stayed home from work to go skiing in the morning and was home all afternoon. I had to work 8:30AM to 6:30PM. He played video games all afternoon. Not a single dish was washed, nothing was picked up, and the front walkway to our mailbox wasn't shoveled. I asked him at lunchtime to make dinner so it would be ready when I got home from work. I called him at 6:30 to let him know I was on my way home (as requested) and was asked "What do you want for dinner?" I live 3-5 minutes away from work... He hadn't even started anything and I was on my way home. How hard would it have been to take the initiative and just get it done, especially since I explicitly asked that he do it? My reply: "Do I call you at work every day and ask you what you want for dinner?" Click. Yesterday, the mailman didn't deliver our mail because the walkway wasn't cleared. I brought this up to my husband who replied "It's not my job. Call the landlord." The landlord lives 1 hour away. It's 8 feet of walkway. And we're already on shaky ground with the landlord. Seems like an easy one to figure out to me; why bother him (and risk further problems since he obviously doesn't want us here anymore) when it would take 5 minutes to do it. But I'm not supposed to be shoveling, especially this extremely saturated and crusty (therefore heavy) snow. I reminded him that we won't get any more mail until this is done. He refused and then went to work this morning, leaving it unshoveled. So I had to do it in the cold rain. I'm not supposed to shovel anyway because of my asthma, but even more so because of the pregnancy and the fact that I've already had one miscarriage. But there I was, shoveling away and praying to whomever the entire time that I wouldn't lose Peep over this. I return to our apartment full of clutter, reminded once again of how Brian doesn't help with anything. I asked him 2 weeks ago to clean the bathroom for me since I'm having a hard time with the tub now...he said he would. It still hasn't been done. I don't think I'm being unreasonable... It's just so hard to sit back and rest when I'm supposed to (even when he tells me to) if he doesn't help pick up *ANY* of the slack. I am not exaggerating. He does absolutely no housework, and even though he keeps telling me I shouldn't be doing this or that, he never steps in to do it instead. This is only going to get worse...

So what's the answer? Hire help and make him pay for it? I've threatened that before when he wouldn't help and he flipped out. I don't have anyone else who can help... My mother still has 6 people living in her house; she has more than enough to do at her own home. My MIL lives several towns away; I'm not going to beg her to come here and help because her son won't. But I'm at wit's end... I can't do it all, but it must get done eventually! And the things I'm not supposed to do at all still have to get done, even if he refuses to help. I don't know what the answer is... But I'm sick of being irritated and grouchy because of this.

1 comment:

Kether said...

Oh Carrie, I'm *so* sorry. Can you afford to hire someone one day a week? I hope as your tummy gets bigger and he can actually see how hard it is for you he'll step up and help get things done. Not that that helps you NOW when you need it NOW, but some men are just and they have to "see" things first. I'm not saying you don't look pregnant now, but you know what I mean.
Its REALLY hard to do a lot of the housework when you're pregnant. I don't know how some women do it. I can't bend over. Cleaning takes me a lot longer than it used to nowdays. While David is great about most things, I couldn't get him to clean the floor of the shower, so I had to scrub it with the scrubbrush and my foot. I couldn't take it anymore.
I'll be thinking of you and sending some "get-off-your-butt-and-help" vibes to your hubby. I hope it works. Until then rant and rant and rant here. At least you'll get it out.