Thursday, June 30, 2005

On Our Own

We survived being left alone! Brian went back to work yesterday. In spite of the lack of sleep, I managed to get in a shower, bring Maggie to work to fill out paperwork and drop off my doctor's note (that was about a 2 hour trip by itself), and go to Wal-Mart to return some things. Margaret was fantastic during all of that. Then we settled in for a short nap in the afternoon before Daddy came home.

Last night was a long night. I didn't manage to get in my evening nap, and Margaret insisted on waking for feedings every 2 hours from 1:00AM on. When she was still up at 6:00AM after eating a half hour or so before (but not fussing), I actually turned my back on her in the co-sleeper and went back to sleep. So did she...and she didn't wake until 9:45. If only she would have slept for a stretch like that last night!

Today was another busy day. Shower and then Maggie peed all over the changing pad during a diaper change. So we ended up with an impromptu bath for Maggie, as well. Then a trip to the pediatrician's office in the afternoon. Our little piggy is now 9 pounds 9 ounces! She gained over 1 pound in the last week! Her doctor said that's great though and that obviously, our mix of formula and breast feeding is working for her. After the doctor's, we even did some grocery shopping. Then I made cookies (well, I put the blocks of pre-made cookie dough on the cookie sheets and heated them up) and dinner. Then I uploaded some more photos to our gallery and updated Margaret's website. Busy day! Funny thing though... I LOVED it. I never pictured myself as being ABLE (content?) to be a stay at home mom, but it felt really good today and yesterday. We'll see if I still feel that way several weeks from now, but at least it's working for us currently.

I go back to work August 22nd. It will be here before we know it! :(

Some pictures:


Unknown said...

Carrie, little Maggie is GORGEOUS!! Sounds like she's fitting right into your life. Good for you for just doing what needs to be done and including her, rather than rearranging it all just because you have a baby. You're so awesome!!!

Unknown said...

Forgot to ask...... will you include a link to Maggie's site so we can see? Or is it a personal/family thing??

Kether said...

wooohoo! Its scary the first time alone. I remember the first time David went away for the weekend. I almost freaked. But, you get used to it. And after awhile it doesn't seem like so much..

She's simply adorable, Carrie.