Sunday, June 26, 2005

Many Thanks!

First off, I want to thank all my sistas and friends I have found online for your support! Kether, Kat, Jackie, Jackie, Lauren, Christine, Jen, Carrie, etc, etc, etc!! You have been an immense help in dealing with the most recent struggles and I appreciate it so much!

We continue with bottle feeding. Brian has taken on most of the bottle feedings for now, but he will be returning to work on Wednesday, so I will be back to providing most of the meals. But at least her appetite isn't quite as demanding while on this mix of formula and breastfeeding. She was down from 14 to 10 feedings as of yesterday: 5 formula, 5 breastfeeding. For the most part, I'm concentrating on her night feedings as breastfeedings because it's easier than getting out of bed to make up a bottle for her. Not only is she less demanding, but she's sleeping great, too. I probably shouldn't say anything, lest I jinx it, but for 3 nights in a row now, we've gotten roughly 6.5-7 hours of sleep, total. She'll settle in around 11PM/midnight, sleep until around 3AM, feed for a half hour or so, and then sleep for another 3 or 4 hours. I can certainly deal with this schedule! Last night, she even completed her 2nd stretch of sleep in her co-sleeper! We put her in the Swaddle Me before bed last night, wondering if swaddling better would help her sleep better (and not have to sleep in our bed). It seems that made a difference. Bolstered by this success, I have an Amazing Miracle Blanket on the way. But I know, I know, she's only 10 days old...she can change this habit in an instant without any warning. I'm just enjoying it while it lasts.

The one drawback to formula: toxic poop. Last night I realized that she smelled like chemicals. It ended up being a poopy diaper (which, BTW, was one of only 3 that day...instead of her usual 8 or so when exclusively breastfed). Yuck! Brian was graced with a formula poop this morning, too. I was a bit freaked out that it smelled so "unnatural" - what's in that formula anyway that would make it smell so not like poop? But it doesn't seem to be bothering her any.

Margaret is much more alert now when she's awake. Her waking periods aren't long, but she looks around like she's taking in everything. I really must find a development guideline to figure out where she is. Is it possible she can focus further than 1ft away already? She's also been trying extensively to roll over when she's been on her play mat. I know this is NOT normal, but it's pretty cool to watch. I can't believe she's already becoming less of a "blob"! :)

I almost forgot! Becky is getting along well with her new little sister! She has taken on the role of protector, constantly checking up on Margaret. She does forget that she has to be gentle with her sometimes, but it's out of love and not malice. Our biggest problem is when Margaret is on her play mat, since Becky thinks she's supposed to play with Margaret and shower her with kisses.


Kether said...

Yay! This was such a great post. I hope that this combination of breastfeeding and formula feeding works for you. You sound better already. Though that first week is a doozy--the first two were very hard for me.
I can't wait to see more pictures when you have some time.

I am *so* very happy for you Carrie. I only wish I lived closer. You have meant a lot to me this last year.

Unknown said...

You sound SOO much happier and relaxed. It seems the combo feedings are working great for all of you! Of course, a somwhat solid stretch of sleep never hurts, either. ;) It only gets easier...

Bet Becky is adorable with Margaret. You'll have to share a pic sometime.

Amanda said...


glad things are going well

yes formula poopy diapers are so much worse then breastmilk/fed diapers. lol

aww almost 2 weeks old!

Kether said...

Happy Two Weeks Old Maggie!