Saturday, June 04, 2005

Dressing Up The Pup

We have a lot of fun with our dog, Becky. Besides taking her just about everywhere with us, she's sort of like having a furry little kid. She loves her people, in spite of the things we make her endure. Like dressing her up. Becky had grown quite a Wookie-like coat recently, so we finally had her groomed last weekend.


Well, ever since getting her hair cut, Brian has been convinced that she's cold all the time. I'll admit, it is a short cut. But she is a dog, and it is summer... it has to be more comfortable than the matted do she was sporting not long ago. Regardless, I decided to indulge him. My sister had brought over a bag of baby clothes a friend gave her for me. It's all girl stuff, so I may be passing the bag along shortly, but that's another story. I remembered a cute pair of PJs in the bag and figured we'd give them a shot:

Before Brian picked her up, she was like a deer in headlights. She would not budge, just standing there in her PJs like her little feet were glued to the floor. Brian tried to play with her, but she still wouldn't move. The little nub wagged, showing she was at least a little happy to get the attention, but still, no movement. Eventually, Brian decided there was no way he was taking her out for her nightly potty break in PJs, so we took them off. But I did learn something... baby PJs can have a new lease on life if you have a dog that's small enough to wear them after your baby outgrows them. :)


Kether said...

awww becky is so cute. and I love those jammies.

So, do you think you're having a boy? was that a hint?

Unknown said...

Yeah! I, too, was wondering if that was a hint at a boy!

Becky looks cute in the jammies. DH would never let me put something like that on our pup. Love her haircut! It suits her well.

Carrie said...

I don't know what we're having, but in the beginning, I had thought boy so I'm sticking to that. A girl would certainly be a nice surprise (a healthy baby is all I'm asking for!), but this pregnancy has been so different from when I was pregnant with Arabella, and I had VERY STRONG feelings from the start of that pregnancy that she was a girl. Hopefully it won't be much longer before we find out. ;)