Saturday, June 18, 2005


We're home! Finally!! (And thank you, Lauren, for posting an update!)

As Lauren mentioned, the initial induction didn't really do much of anything. They started the Pitocin at 10PM on Tuesday and by the end of the first round (1PM Wednesday), I was still only 2.5 cm dilated, but now 80% effaced instead of 70%. I had been having pretty good contractions all along, but apparently, they weren't good enough. They gave me a 3 hour break to eat and shower, and then I was back on the Pitocin at 4PM. My doctor came by at 8PM to break my water (not exactly a pleasant sensation when you're stuck in a bed, BTW) and then the fun really began. They did let me labor in the jacuzzi tub for an hour, but after that, her heartrate was up to 200 bpm, so they made me lay on my side in bed so they could monitor her closely. Laying on my side made things A LOT worse. The contractions started coming one on top of the other, and they were long. I couldn't take the pain anymore and asked for the epidural just before midnight. Which was fortunate because when they checked me before giving the epidural, I was only 4cm dilated. I was able to sleep a bit but at 3:30AM, I started to get the urge to push. The OB had checked me not long before and I was 6cm dilated. I told the nurse about my problem and she checked me 8cm and 100% effaced. She checked to see if upping the epidural would help, but it didn't do any good. She said she'd be back in a 1/2 hour to check me again... That time was pure agony. I knew pushing too soon could cause problems, so I had to fight the urge. And a half hour turned into an hour, during which time Brian pretty much slept right through it all. Finally, she came back at 4:30AM and said I was ready to go. It freaked me out a bit that it was just Brian, the nurse, and me trying to deliver this baby, but after about 15 minutes of pushing, she called for my OB. At 5AM, Margaret Isabelle came into this world... with the help of a nasty episiotomy (and a ton of sutures - ouch!!). Like Lauren said, 9 lbs 2 oz, 20.5 inches long, and healthy as could be. When we were discharged today, she was down to 8 lbs 5 oz, but they said that's normal, especially when breastfeeding.

Feeding has been going well so far. Maggie caught on fast as to what she's supposed to do. I'm getting a bit sore, but per the nurses, our technique is right, so I guess I'm just at that breaking-in phase.

I'm tired, I hope to never spend that much time in the hospital again, and I'm sore... but it was all worth it. We're in love. :)


Kether said...

you get to use that beautiful wine colored dress someday!!

welcome Maggie!!

she's Beautiful!!

Lauren said...

Congratulations Carrie! She's beautiful! I am so happy for you and Brian.

Rosanne said...

Congrats Carrie and Brian! I was convinced Peep was a boy, guess you'll be keeping the cute little dresses after all and you don't need to worry about the bedding being too girly. :) Sorry you had a tougher labor than anyone would have liked. Looks like you had a good outcome in the end. She's beautiful! Welcome to the world Maggie!

Unknown said...

Welcome Maggie!!! Love the nick name! Sorry labor was so dreadful, but know it was worth it for you to have her here in your arms. She is absolutely beautiful!! Congrats to all of you, and thanks for sharing pics!

MrsEvilGenius said...

Carrie! I totally missed your birth annoucement on the board! Your little girl is as gorgeous as her mum! Congrats!!!!!!

PS: love the name! Margaret is my yougest DD middle name, so, of course it rocks.

Jackie said...

I'm so happy for you and your new family! You did great! I'm sorry about the episiotomy, but I'm sure it'll be long forgotten before long. Enjoy every moment with Maggie - she sounds adorable!


Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maggie is absolutely beautiful. I'm so glad to hear that all is well with you all... Thanks so much for the pics too!!!!! they're wonderful.

CassieKay said...

She is really cute, congrats!!
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