Thursday, June 09, 2005

Theory Disproven

Well, we'll never know if my theory was correct or not. Peep measured BIG today...9lbs 1oz. The tech reminded me that they tend to over-estimate by a 1/2 lb, but that's still 8.5lbs! So we discussed early inducement because nobody wants this baby to get much bigger before s/he is born. My cervix is now dilated 2.5cm, which is .5cm up from last week, so Dr. K (aka Dr. Cutie) thinks it is favorable to an induction. He agreed to write me out of work starting Monday, so tomorrow is my last day, and we were planning on an induction late next week. However, when it came time to schedule the induction, considering the doctors who were on call (one of them I never met so we were trying to avoid having a delivery when he's on call) and the hospital's schedule, I will now be going to the hospital at 8PM on TUESDAY to be induced. You read that right, Tuesday. As in 5 days from now. He anticipates that Peep will be born sometime on Wednesday. I was pretty calm and collected before when it was totally up in the air when Peep would arrive but I have to admit that I'm pretty nervous now. I even half considered a c-section when he mentioned that might be an option if he didn't think I could deliver such a big baby (and I was against elective c-sections), but considering our family history, there's no reason why I can't deliver Peep vag and Dr. K agreed after the exam. 5 more days... Holy crap!


Kether said...

Holy Crap is right!
wooohoo! I'm so excited. Five days!


Rosanne said...

kether took the words right out of my mouth! Holy crap! Five days at the most, right? GL to you and Peep. Can't wait to finally find out the name, the gender, the personality, etc.

Unknown said...

That's so soon!!!!!!! I hope we get to see pics of your lovely peep when he/she arrives. So very, very excited for you!!!

Jackie said...

You can do it girl - I know it's all of a sudden, but it'll be so worth it when you're holding Peep (who will soon have a new name - can't wait to find out what it is!)


Unknown said...

ONG!!! I'm sooo excited for you!! Get that bag packed and go meet your baby! Can't wait to hear all about him/her!