Thursday, June 09, 2005


I think I've figured out when Peep will come, although I never would have guessed this before. There are theories out there about the cycles of the moon affecting births. I thought this was somewhat credible, although it doesn't explain all the people who aren't born around Full and New Moons (I believe I was born near the First or Last Quarter). However, the only time so far that I've had really noticeable contractions was during the last Full Moon. They were every 3-10 minutes for over an hour that night, but since then, I've only had the occasional contraction here and there. There is a Full Moon expected on June 22nd, the day before Peep's due date. I'm starting to wonder now if that means Peep won't be born until June 22nd or 23rd...

I do have a doctor's appointment in an hour so we'll see how big Peep is now. Hopefully, there's been some progress. Then I have to decide how much longer I'll be working and whether I want to start doing things to bring on labor (like stripping membranes). 2 weeks to go, but hopefully, Peep will be early instead of late.

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