Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Great Appointment!

In spite of the fact that I had to let one of the men OBs at the practice stick his hand in my privates, and have the GBS test done, I couldn't be happier right now. :) I am now 2 cm dilated and 60% effaced. Peep is in -3 station. Progress!! I also asked Dr. Cutie (because he is, which makes today's appointment even more embarassing, but that's how it goes) how far they would let me go over my due date considering Dr. W thinks Peep will be a big baby. We never got to the answer, but after he did his checking (fundal height measurement, which is now 1.5 weeks ahead, feeling Peep, and all that), he said that he didn't think Peep would be excessively large. He did say that, if I was willing, they could do an ultrasound next week to get a better estimate. (If I'm willing??? LOL! Of course I was agreeable to that!) He did warn me that ultrasounds in the 3rd trimester can be up to 1 lb off in estimates of weight, but I was already aware of that. He did say that their machine is set up to err on the side of overestimating rather than underestimating, so I can probably bet on Peep being about a half pound less than whatever they come up with.

So to recap, I'm 1 cm more dilated, I'm 60% effaced (last time I wasn't effaced at all), Peep is engaging, and I get to see Peep next Thursday! :D My next appointment is also with Dr. Cutie, so I guess I'll have his hand in my privates again... But I might as well get used to it. If he's the one who delivers Peep, he'll be doing a lot more than that!


Kether said...

You've made more progress now than I had when my water broke! You're going to be the laboring queen!
I'm so excited Carrie. You're getting close! Super close!
How are you feeling? Anxious? Excited? Nervous? Happy? all of the above?

Unknown said...

You're progressing! That's definitely a good sign. I'm getting excited for you...

And what WAS Dr. Cutie thinking? Who wouldn't be willing to have an u/s to spy on their little one? Can't wait to hear all about it!