Monday, May 02, 2005

Difference Of Opinion

All weekend long, Brian talked about how he wants a house. He wants more space. He wants to move. He doesn't want to live where we do anymore. But most especially, he doesn't want to rent anymore.

I understand. Really, I do. It sucks not being able to do whatever you'd like with your living space because it's owned by someone else - especially when you used to own that space. It's even worse having to listen to the elephant people upstairs perform their ballets (or whatever it is those skinny people are doing to make so much noise that they sound like they weigh a ton each!). I'd like to be able to go outside and not have to worry about if one of them is smoking on the porch above me or deal with the loud noise from whenever they turn the water on because it's always on full blast. But I don't want to be a slave to a house again.

When we owned our house, every weekend was devoted to some sort of maintenance issue. Whether it was mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, gardening, raking, painting, etc, etc, etc, our weekends were never our own. We enjoy lazing about in front of the TV all day, if we so choose, or going for a hike at a moment's notice. All that maintenance didn't fit well with the lives we had and now have again. I'm not ready to give that up, especially with Peep on the way. I want to be free to take Peep to the playground or for a hike, to go sledding or visit Grandma, whenever I feel like it. It's bad enough that I will be away from Peep for roughly 40 hours a week working, I don't want to give up any more time than I have to.

It's almost a non-issue anyway. With the bills we currently have, plus the upcoming $210/week we'll have to pay for Peep's daycare, there simply won't be any extra money to buy. Brian says he would work 2 or 3 jobs if he had to, but I don't want him to. Time is something you can never get back, no matter how much money you have or what you buy. I know that; my father worked 7 days a week at 2 jobs for most of my life. He was never there on the weekends, and when he was home, he was usually sleeping. I don't want that to happen to Peep. As long as we have a roof over our heads, any roof, I don't see any reason to make that happen. No reason is good enough for that, in my opinion.


Lara said...

Good luck making that decision! It's a big one! I personally hated renting and felt like I was throwing money away instead of investing it, but I understand your reasons also. Good luck!


Unknown said...

Tough decision. Can see both sides of the debate, too. Time with Peep will be the top priority on any list, I believe. ;) We own, and it does seem there is always something to be done. But... we also know the importance of time... so if the lawn doesn't get mowed today because we want to go out... it will be there tomorrow. Good Luck deciding!

Kether said...

Only you two can make this choice.
I know about the maintenence issue. My house was built in 1926 so there is always something! But, we also enjoy it...the house stuff, I mean. If you don't enjoy it, its a bitch.
One thing we do is while David is gardening or mowing, I play with Liam. While I'm cleaning and organizing, he spends time with Liam.
I know what you mean...being away from him 40 hours does make you want to spend every minute with him.Unfortunately, sometimes he wants that time in his swing or napping or something.
Once Peep comes, you guys will find your own family's rhythm and you'll be better able to judge what you can and cannot take on.
The money thing is a different issue. You don't want all your $ eaten up.
I would hold off on any decisions until Peep comes and you see what your family is like. =)

Jackie said...

Well I certainly hear you about the maintenance issues of a house! Especially with all the renos we're doing right now and the fact that no matter how well built your house is - there is always something to work on.

I tend to be a bit of a slacker myself and we do let things slide and spend days hiking rather than raking leaves - but it's still there waiting when we get home.

Good luck making this decision together and I'm sure that when you are ready the right situation that works for your lifestyle will present itself.


Unknown said...

When you do get your house, you should make a maintenence schedule so you're not stuck doing that stuff every weekend. I mean, it's your house so you don't have to do maintenence stuff every weekend if you don't want to. It will still look nice.