Sunday, May 22, 2005

I Did It! And Message From Beyond?

I went by a Babies R Us without stepping foot in the store!! :D Brian insists that's an impossible task for me, but I proved him wrong yesterday when we were out running errands in that area. You see, I had to get a new alarm clock. Brian thinks it was going bonkers the other night, but I wonder if there was something more to it. We were lying in bed reading before going to sleep, and all of the sudden, the radio came on on my alarm clock. The alarm was not on and it was just shy of 11:00PM. It scared the heck out of me! Normally, I would have been up all night freaked out by the event, but I was soooooo tired that I fell asleep against my will. And when I woke up at around 2:00AM for my usual pee break, it did it again as I was getting back into bed. I must have jumped 10 feet, and I quickly pulled my feet up onto the bed (you know, the old monsters under the bed thing ;) ). Twice in one night... I wondered if someone was trying to reach out to me. Brian, of course, said that the clock was obviously broken and I needed a new one. A simple explanation, and one that most people would be satisfied with. However, I still wonder. I do have to say that, with the new alarm clock plugged in, there were no incidents last night. But that doesn't mean Brian's right.

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