Friday, May 13, 2005

Carrie The Grouch

I've been a bit of a Miss Grouchy-Pants this week. It seems I've had quite enough of the little annoyances. I'm sick of people being rude to an obviously pregnant woman. I'm sick of crazy drivers who seem like they're out to get me. (I won't even get into how many near-misses I've had since the last person hit me!) I'm sick of bad weather on the weekends (this will be the 4th in a row!). I'm sick of getting no help around the house. I'm sick of annoying people at work asking stupid questions. I'm sick of working late every Thursday night. The list goes on and on. It seems the case of the grouchies showed up around the same time I started to get really uncomfortable. Connection? Probably. Poor seems this will only get worse before it gets better.

I did get some great news this afternoon, though. My MIL emailed me, letting me know that she got the call that Peep's chest and combo dresser are in. I find this pretty amazing. My mother ordered Peep's crib 2 weeks before my MIL placed her order. Both were quoted 8-10 weeks. And yet, here are the case pieces already, less than 4 weeks after they were ordered, and no news of the crib to date. I called my mom to ask her about it and she said she hasn't heard anything, but it is possible that my brothers took the call and didn't give her the message. When we call to schedule pick up, we'll have to ask about the crib. Maybe it's waiting there, too! The bad news? For the 4th weekend in a row, it's going to rain. All weekend, this time. Since there's no time to drive all the way over there during the week to pick up the furniture, it will be another week until we can pick it up. And that's only if the weather cooperates *next* weekend, which right now, the extended forecast says rain next Friday through Sunday...again. :( I'm really anxious to put away Peep's stuff, especially since I had a surprise shower last Saturday (so now there's a lot more stuff to put away!). But the only chance I have of doing anything about it this weekend is if I can convince Brian to rent a U-Haul truck, and that's not very likely considering the conversation we had... Stupid weather!!! So, in keeping with my now overly-emotional preggo self, I've proceeded to cry over the whole situation and tell Brian to "just forget it." What happened to me???

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