Monday, May 16, 2005

Little To No Progress

I had another OB appointment today. It was pretty much your usual stuff. I was weighed (total gain is now 26 lbs in 34.5 weeks), blood pressure taken (118/74), peed in a cup (that was okay), etc. The doctor I was supposed to see was called out on an emergency, so I was able to see my favorite OB instead. We discussed some concerns I had. Namely, the issue at work. The end of June is the start of one of the busiest times of year where I work, and we will be short staffed as it is while I'm still there, but it will be even worse the week after my due date. We discussed not going past my due date by using induction, but she said she couldn't say anything at this point because it all depended on if my cervix was progressing like it should... otherwise, it could bring on a whole slew of other problems that go very much against my birth plan (basically, that I wanted a med-free delivery). She did say that she could write me out of work at any point after 37 weeks, though, which is a change in what I was told originally. When I first asked about how long I could expect to work, I was told that they normally have you work up until the baby is born unless there are complications. So at least I have my ticket out at work. All I have to do is tell her when and she'll write it up, which also means I can use my sick leave for that time off in addition to the 6-week recovery period. I only have 11 weeks of sick time accumulated, though, so I better wait as long as I can... I just won't work past my due date, that's all.

The funny part came when I asked about having an internal done. I wasn't due for one until my next appointment, but with all these babies on the expecting boards coming early lately, I was anxious to hear that there was progress. She explained that she didn't expect there to be any at this point and that she would do it, but she wanted me to understand that it's uncomfortable and she didn't want me to be disappointed by the results. She also explained that it really didn't mean anything at this point because everything changes when it's ready to... sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. I already had one internal in late March due to cramping, so I knew what to expect at least, and had her go for it. Sure enough, she said I was maybe 1 cm dilated on the outside, but closed up on the inside (she didn't mention effacement, but she made it sound like there was no thinning out at all so far). She may have even thrown in the 1 cm to make me feel better, but she did say I wasn't closed up tight, at least. Afterwards, she told me that she thinks I'm the only patient who's ever asked her for an internal. I'm sure she's right... I don't exactly relish the thought of other people looking and poking around in my privates, but I really wanted to know. :D

Other than that, my belly is still measuring 2 weeks ahead. Peep's heartrate is in the 150s. Everything looks good. I go back on May 31st and that's when weekly appointments start. I also have to have the GBS test at that time and it will be the start of weekly internals, whether I like it or not. :D


Unknown said...

Congrats on an uneventful dr's visit. Cause we all know an uneventful one means everything is going along great! Although... I'm betting the doc thought you were nuts asking for an internal! LOL!

Kether said...

Uhm. Yeah. You and I finally diverge on something Carrie. I hate internals and almost let them NOT do one when they forgot one they were supposed to do. Eventually, I told them. *sigh* Me and my big mouth.

Great to hear Peep is doing well. I wish you had a ticker so I could see exactly how long you have to go.