Wednesday, May 25, 2005

A Moment Of Silence


Margaret Susan Dubiell Nevin... January 10, 1913-May 25, 2005... You are in my thoughts...

My sister just called to let me know that our great-grandmother passed away this evening. She had been ill on and off since Christmas (I believe it started with pneumonia). Of course, I haven't been able to see her during any of this because she's been in a nursing home. Even if I wasn't pregnant, since I have asthma, I'm supposed to avoid ill people if at all possible. I haven't seen her since last summer, before the big family feud happened (long story). Recently, we learned that she had lung cancer. They had just started her radiation treatments last week, although they were predicting that she only had 1-2 months left to live. My grandma (her daughter-in-law) saw her last week and said she didn't look sick. My parents and my sister were planning on visiting her this Friday and I was going to send along a card with them. Now I'll be paying my respects instead. I seriously thought she would prove them wrong and live another 2-3 years. She's the one who told me her secret to her long life was a shot of whiskey every day. She lived on her own up until her illness this winter, even living in her own house up until a year ago when she moved into a 2nd floor apartment. She visited nursing homes and sang to the elderly patients. She even drove (only during the day, of course) up until her illness this past winter. She was a firecracker and we seriously thought she would beat this, no problem. It's quite a shock to hear that she passed away today... it's surreal. I don't claim to be close to her. As I said, I haven't seen much of her lately (although I used to see her on an almost weekly basis every summer, plus once a month for birthdays and holidays with that side of the family). And even though she could be cantankerous at times, she will be missed...

May your soul move on to eternal peace.


Rosanne said...

Carrie, So sorry to hear about your loss. These things hit so hard even when you're not close. You and your family will be in my prayers.


Unknown said...

Prayers to you and your family at this time of loss. Even if you weren't close, it is always hard to lose a loved one.