Friday, May 20, 2005

Going to Jail Today

Well, the police station, anyway. I finally got the courage to call last week to schedule a safety inspection for Peep's carseat. I had actually installed the seat (all by myself, thank you very much!) back in February, but we had to take the base out last Saturday when we picked up Peep's dresser. So there I was again on Wednesday night, struggling with a much larger belly in my way (and in the dark, no less, because I had a retirement dinner that evening and had to watch "Lost" as soon as I got home, before even considering attempting the installation). We also recently purchased one of those seat protectors and it seems that with that added in, I now cannot get the seat perfectly level. It's close, but just a tiny bit of orange peeked out in the dial, taunting me. After two attempts, including putting a rolled up receiving blanket underneath the back of it to try to level it out, I gave up. It's in and if Mr. Police Officer doesn't think it's safe enough, *he* can re-install it. It doesn't move, so I figured that's the most important part anyway, right? But we'll see what he has to say this afternoon.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Glad to read that you're not actually going to jail! I hope Mr. Police gets that thing perfect for you little Peep!
