Thursday, May 12, 2005


There's no doubt that the preggo mind can conjure some incredibly strange and elaborate dreams. I've certainly had my share of them with this pregnancy. The latest ones, though, have me wondering if they're just the product of the preggo mind or if they're supposed to mean something.

A couple nights ago, I woke up at 2AM completely confused. I wasn't sure if it was a dream or not, but I recalled the ghost of Brian's Granny (who passed away maybe 5 years ago) coming to me and telling me, "Name him Jack." I think it was the fact that it was definitely her ghost that had me wondering about this one. I slept horribly the rest of that night. I'm still not sure if that's a message I'm supposed to pay attention to, or if it's just the result of hearing about one of my MIL's cousins new grandson, Jack, at my shower on Saturday.

Last night, I dreamt of birth. It wasn't a horrific, nightmarish dream at all. I remember feeling peaceful and it being a beautiful experience. I dreamt of breastfeeding and caring for our baby. Oddly, I didn't dream which gender. That's usually what my Peep dreams are about (although, I have had dreams of Peep in which s/he was first one gender, then the other). I take this dream to be a good sign. Sometimes I wonder if I'm trying to fool myself...that I'm really freaked out about the whole thing, but if I keep telling myself I'm not, I won't be. Not that I've consciously felt freaked out; I just wondered if that was sitting there just beneath the surface. Last night's dream seems to confirm that I am pretty comfortable with this birth thing, at least.

Which is good because as soon as Peep is healthy enough to come out, I'm ready for him/her. I'm getting more and more uncomfortable. It felt like Peep's head was on my bladder all day yesterday. Immediately after relieving myself, I felt like I had to go again. And I feel like a Weeble walking down the hall at work. One of my co-workers told me it looked like my belly had dropped. I don't know how she can tell since I'm carrying pretty low anyway, but Peep's kicks are lower than they were. Usually, they're at the top of my belly (right under my ribs) and from the middle to the right. Yesterday, they were just above my belly button and more from the middle to the left. 34 weeks today. 3 weeks until I'm full-term. Heck, I could probably have Peep in 2 weeks and s/he'd be healthy, right? I'm ready... We just need a name...


Jackie said...

When you meet Peep, you'll come up with the right name. I've known people that had names all ready to go and then the baby was born and they just seemed like a different name.

You're so close now, hang in there!


Unknown said...

My b/sil have several names lined up but are waiting until baby arrives to decide which name best fits. Although, there list is shorter than yours would have to be, since they know they're having a boy. But I'm all for dreams having meaning or being a way of telling you something. How DO you feel about the name Jack?? ;)

Kether said...

Peep's name will come.
I love Jack but Dave wouldn't go for it. I wanted to name him Jackson, but Dave kept saying "But, my name isn't Jack! and he's my son!"
and Daveson sounds dumb.

I can't believe you're two weeks to full term! Its gone soooo fast.