Thursday, September 16, 2004

Pain, Pain, Go Away

I'm really not sure what to make of this. It occurred to me today that those aches/pains/cramps I've been having might be an indicator of a problem, especially since I'm not pregnant. I just assumed when I was having them that they were due to pregnancy, especially since I was also very nauseous at the time (which is apparently due to the Metformin). I probably wouldn't have thought of the cramps/aches anymore if they didn't get a little worse today. The backache started a few days ago, and now I'm having a dull pain in the pelvic area that isn't going away. I called my primary care physician's office (the one that ordered the blood test) to see if I could see the doctor in case this is an infection. The earliest she will see me is next Wednesday. I certainly hope it isn't an infection because I cringe to think of the kind of fertility damage that can be done by an infection that is allowed to continue to thrive. The good news is that I don't have a fever, so maybe it isn't...but who knows what will happen in the next week! Maybe my body is gearing up for a really horrible AF...but I've never had this much of a preparation before. I'm not really sure what to do. I guess if it gets worse, I'll have to go to the ER since my doctor won't see me. I sincerely hope it isn't anything because the last thing I need is an infection there since the OB who did my D&C said that could lead to fertility problems.


Lauren said...

I hope everything is ok! I'm sorry you have to wait until Wednesday to go to the doctor. I think if it was an infection, you would probably have a fever. Maybe it is just AF - nothing is normal after a m/c and it could be a really heavy one (mine always were after a m/c). Sorry you're having to go through all of this!

Christine said...

I'm sorry that you aren't feeling well. Without a fever, it's probably not an infection, but it's still a good idea to get checked out. If you have a develop a fever, call your doctor's exchange over the weekend. Often they can call in a prescription for you.

I hope that it's nothing, and I hope that you feel better soon!