[Disclaimer: Those who have not been through the TTC process may find some of this to be too much information....]
I feel like such a baby right now... but I've had it with HPTs. I'm soooo nauseous that I almost vomited last night during my workout, and my temps on my chart are pretty good. It certainly looks like an implantation dip the other day, especially coupled with the very, very light spotting I had that lasted only a short while and then went away (and hasn't returned). Yet, all I get are BFNs. Clearblue Easy Earliest Results, First Response Early Result, and the test strips I bought from thefertilityshop.com are ganging up on me. I don't think I would be so upset if I wasn't able to get a faint BFP by now last time, hence my frustration. At 12 DPO last time, I not only had a + HPT, but a + doctor's office urine test as well. Sooooo... I guess it really is the medication that's causing my nausea. And I have no idea why I spotted for so short of a time the other day and my temps continue to be high even though they would normally go down if Aunt Flow (AF) was on the way. I promised myself I wouldn't do this to myself, that I wouldn't convince myself that I was pregnant so I wouldn't be too let down if I wasn't. But I guess with the symptoms I've had, it was hard not to get my hopes up.
In any case, no more HPTs for me. I'll just wait out AF now, because it's obvious that she is intended for me at some point in the probably near future. What a bummer...
Homemade Oatmeal Cream Pies
6 years ago
Oh I so know what you mean. HPTs are the crack cocaine of the ttc world and when you come down from them, you come DOWN and it really, really sucks.
Just wanted to tell you, though, that I didn't get my BFP until 17DPO. I almost went crazy during that time. Much baby dust to you, I hope you get a late BFP, too.
I feel like I'm back on our visit to Paris a couple of years ago. I understand some of what's being said, but some words are just escaping me. I gather this all has to do with making a baby. :)
In any case, may I make a suggestion? Try to relax! What I mean is, try to go with life's flow. Yes, keep trying to reach that special goal but also try not to obsess. Do things to distract yourself. Get out to the park more, see more movies, go do whatever you really get into. Just do other things to get out and fill your life.
I do understand that there's a lot of tracking involved with trying to time things right, so it's not like you can completely ignore it.
Well, actually, you probably could. Keep doing the fun part of making a baby with your husband (I'm sure he won't complain) and don't check for results too often. It's like dieting, in that respect. Smart advisors will tell you not to check your weight more than once a week. Otherwise, you start to get discouraged and too neurotic about the goal.
As always, we're all pulling for you!
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