Saturday, July 09, 2005

Where Did My Happy Baby Go?

This week, Margaret has discovered her voice. And boy can she use it. She used to be quiet, only fussing a little bit and then easily calmed. But ever since Tuesday, she's become more and more inconsolable. She'll scream in the middle of eating for no apparent reason. She's spending more and more of her waking time crying. Last night, she was awake from 5:30PM to 10:30PM and when she wasn't eating (which wasn't often), she mostly was screaming. It doesn't seem like colic, though. Doesn't fit the formula for it. Nonetheless, it's so hard watching her like that and not being able to do anything to make it better. It breaks my heart. Where DID my happy baby go? Hopefully, she'll be back soon.


Kether said...

Have you tried mylicon gas drops?it could be gas. When Liam was between 3 weeks and 11 weeks he screamed a lot--turning purple and holding his breath while he was screaming. I think a lot of it was gas. We gave him the gas drops,"bicycled" his legs, tummy massages, etc. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.

I hope she gives your ears a break.
Liam has developed this "hey neighbors! mom is pinching me!" scream. I mean it really does sound like I'm doing something horrible to him. Thankfully, I'm hearing that scream less and less these days.

I'm going to knock on some wood now...

Carrie said...

Kether - We've been using the Mylicon drops before bed lately when it seemed like the problem was gas. But the screaming she's been doing isn't always the same as what seems to be her gas pains screaming. It's funny because she never screamed like this before. She'd cry a little bit, we'd pick her up, and it would be over. Now it takes a lot more to calm her down. Poor thing! :(

Unknown said...

Oh... I'm so sorry you & Maggie are going through this rough time. I'm all for trying the Mylicon, as mentioned before. And, believe it or not, the screaming thing is often just a phase lots of babies go through. It really sucks while you're in it, but the good thing is it will get better.

Would it ease your mind to talk to the dr about it? Sure nothing's wrong... but maybe it would help to hear it from a "professional." Until then... prayers that the phase is short-lived and your happy little girl returns, soon.