Sunday, July 17, 2005

Growing Up So Fast Already

Maggie now sleeps in her crib at night. We had been using the Arm's Reach Mini Co-Sleeper from the first night home. Not so much that I wanted to ensure she was breathing at night, but more so for the convenience of not having to get out of bed to take care of her. However, I found that *I* wasn't as grumpy if I actually DID get out of bed. I think I was more upset about my sleep being interrupted if I was still in it was a constant reminder of what I was missing out on. So on the nights that Maggie had been more inconsolable than usual, I had been going out into the living room to feed and comfort her, and then putting her down in her crib. Then I would spend the night on the couch in the room next to her listening for if she needed me. After a couple nights of this, I moved to returning to our bedroom after her second night feeding and leaving her behind in the crib with the baby monitor on. Friday night was the first night she spent in her crib all night with me in my bed all night. I found that I'd grown used to certain patterns she had that weren't as apparent to me before. I would wake at certain times expecting her to need me, only to find her still fast asleep. Last night was an especially good example of this since she actually slept for 5 hours between feedings! 5 hours WITHOUT swaddling. (We had been swaddling from birth, and even invested in a couple of Miracle Blankets, but Maggie seemed to hate being confined in her baby straight jacket and wasn't sleeping any better swaddled than not...) Since she went down at 11:30PM for the night, that means she slept until 4AM. I was elated! My little girl is growing up already! Tonight, I think I will pack up the co-sleeper. We only used it for a month, but it was worth every penny. Maybe we can bring it to her Grammia's house to use for naps...

Dad continues to improve. Yesterday, he was walking the halls at the hospital. They've removed just about every medication they could from his IVs and he's eating regular food. He should be going home tomorrow or the day after and is already looking forward to walking the neighborhood with Maggie in her stroller. :)


Unknown said...

First, it's nice to hear you liked your cosleeper. I've looked longingly at them several times (hoping we soon have reason to buy one) but you're the first I've "known" to actually use one, so that's reassuring.

Second, HOORAY for 5 hours straight!! You must feel like a whole new person with a little more sleep. And personally, as long as Maggie sleeps, I don't think it should matter where.

Third, do YOU know how long a baby should be swaddled??? Curious here. I hear/read all the time that swaddling is supposed to help them sleep better, calm them, etc. etc. But nothing says when they "outgrow" that. And I would really like to know... for work and for future reference.

And finally, I'm glad your dad continues to improve and will be home soon. That has to be a weight off your shoulders. Continued prayers...

Christine said...

Yeah for the milestones!! It's amazing how fast they grow, isn't it??

I definitely slept better once we got Maura out of our room, but she needed the swaddling. (To answer KitKat's question, we swaddled her for her first 12 weeks per the book Happiest Baby on the Block)

Don't get rid of that Pak n Play too soon! I find that mine comes in handy for many occasions! I even use it when going to friend's houses for dinner. It's easier for Maura to fall asleep in somthing familiar, and then we don't have to rush out before her bedtime!
