Monday, July 25, 2005


I wrote a huge blog entry and lost it when I went to publish the post. It was eloquent and quite long. And now I'm pretty pissed off that it's gone.

The finer points:

*Dad is now home from the hospital and doing well. We visited with him for a short while this evening and he was in great spirits.

*Maggie is now on 1 Tbsp rice cereal to every 4 oz formula for reflux. If that doesn't help, her doctors want her to come in at the end of the week to look at her and possibly prescribe Zantac. The cereal bottles are for the night feedings right now but if she starts having problems during the day, we'll do them for all the feedings. I'm concerned about early introduction of cereal but she needs to be comfortable.

*I was given a time limit of how much longer I can TTC based on the fact that I now have cholesterol issues (whether it's PCOS-related or family history, I don't know...but both predisposed me to it). My endocrinologist wants to put me on Lipitor but won't while I'm still in my child-bearing years and planning on getting pregnant again. He's giving me only a couple of years to be med-free and then I have to be on it. He also seemed to think that with the PCOS, I shouldn't wait more than a year and a half to start TTC again anyway. Financially, we can't afford to TTC again until 1) maybe when some bills are paid off (3 years from now) or 2) Maggie is in school (5 years from now). Without a financial miracle, it's looking like Maggie will be an only-child....

I had a lot more detail but I just don't have the energy to recreate my post... sorry!


~Tanya~ said...

I don't want this to come out wrong & sound opiniated but...
I know you just word of the limit on ttc years & it is alot to absorb & you have time to think about it, but here is my 2 cents. I looked at family financially & look where it got me. I put it off b/c we can't afford it, I believed it would happen if it was meant to be blah, blah, blah. I sit here now with a son who is 14 soon to be 15. Looking back I think about what I did wrong. I have always wanted more children so I guess what I am saying is if you feel like you want a bigger family go for it. Financials always have a way of working themselves out. Dealing with broken bodies getting them to cooperate is another story.

Kether said...

Oi. Here's my ass-vise. Wait until Maggie is a year and then you two can discuss what to do about more. You never know what a difference a year can make in your life.

Welcome home to your dad!

Kether said...

Oi. Here's my ass-vise. Wait until Maggie is a year and then you two can discuss what to do about more. You never know what a difference a year can make in your life.

Welcome home to your dad!