Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Spiritual Messenger?

I don't know how much I've delved into it on here, but I know I've mentioned before my belief that everything happens for a reason. I also believe that there are signs everywhere helping us along the right path, if we pay attention. Usually, they catch us unaware and unless we really think about it, we may miss out on that message entirely.

Tonight on my way to my class at the local community college, I saw a bit of a strange sight. There, on the side of the highway, was a coyote patiently waiting to cross. S/he watched my truck until I got alongside of her/him, and then turned back to watch for a clearing in the traffic. I knew there were coyotes in the area - in fact, I think I've seen one once before only a few blocks from my house - but it's highly unusual to see them, especially near the highway like that, so this really stuck out in my mind. I thought about it during my exam, and afterwards on my drive home. I meant to tell my husband about it, but forgot in his exuberance for the Red Sox - Yankees game. And then I just remembered my find. So I figured I'd poke around on the internet and see what this spirit guide had to say (as many cultures did consider animals to be their spirit guides).

I found this on :
When coyote wanders into your life you are being asked to look at something you have been avoiding. Coyote is our mirror for the lessons we need to learn in order to walk a good sacred road. It will hold up the mirror relentlessly until we finally get the picture.

Interesting... Lately the messages I've paid attention to have been eerily correct in retrospect. I wonder what I'm avoiding now that needs to get out in the open?


Kether said...

SHortly after I found out I was pregnant (days, in fact) My family went cherry picking. I was plucking along and found a hummingbird nest--with a weeny teeny egg that looked just like a bean! We had already started calling our baby bean. A little while later, the mama came and hovered, but didn't make me leave. I felt like that was a sign, for some reason, that the bean would be ok.
I told this to an email group I'm on and one woman said that the only time she'd ever seen a hummingbird egg was on her way into the OB's office right after finding out she was Pregnant after a loss. I had goosebumps.
I agree that there are signs in the world--and am interested to know what the coyote wants you to see. I learned a lot of valuable lessons from my miscarriage and now, while I wouldn't wish that heartache on anyone, embrace it as a part of what in my life that has made me the person I am. I have grown so much since January and learned things I don't know that I otherwise would have--about me, about life, about God, about a lot of things. I've also had this new compassion for people other than myself--not just a passing empathy, but a real interest in other's struggles and paths.
What did you learn from your m/c? I know that's a rather pointed question, and I'm sorry if its too personal...

~Tanya~ said...

I have heard so many stories from people & signs they experience. I diffenitely believer in signs.